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P&S Lucid Headlight Coating Durability


P&S Lucid Headlight Coating Durability

Headlights used to be made of actual glass and while glass would stand up to general nicks, chips, and oxidation from UV rays, it would be expensive to produce and not durable enough for modern day requirements. In comes plastic, which was a huge step up in overall durability, however, it is still not perfect. Modern headlights tend to fog up over time due to general exposure, UV rays, and general wear and tear from driving, weather, etc. Headlights do come with a factory coating over the face of the plastic to help protect them from wear and tear, but after years of use some restoration will be needed and a more durable form of protection should be applied.

This is where the P&S Lucid Headlight Coating comes in handy! You can apply this coating to brand new headlights to help protect them from oxidation, dirt, and grime right off the bat, or you can apply it to freshly detailed lights to protect your restoration work. According to Keith Duplessie, the Customer Development Director of P&S, Lucid will also provide you with great durability.

There are 2 situations that would change the durability rating.

  • Rating 1 – New, unrestored headlights, 2-3 years. Most often I suggest to our coating customers that they just apply whatever they will be using on the paint and body of the car to go over new or like new condition headlights. But, if they want a specific product just for headlights, then it would be 2-3 years.
  • Rating 2 – Restored headlights (which is what this product is really designed for) and that would be 1- 2 years depending on driving conditions. Lucid is designed as a thicker/higher solid formula that will help fill the more porous surface left on a restored headlight that has had its factory outer surface removed via the sanding and polishing process. The wear out/ wear off of this product will be mostly from abrasion of the elements (dust, rain, snow, etc.).

As Keith mentioned, your regular paint coating will work great over new headlights and if you are performing a coating process on a new vehicle, or one that is in great shape, utilizing the larger paint coating bottle is recommended. However, if you want an incredibly durable headlight coating for the best results, the P&S Lucid Headlight Coating has been one of the best we have used here at DI!

Lucid Application Instructions:

  • Clean and restore headlights
  • Apply a few drops to an applicator pad
  • Apply to headlight
  • Let cure for 30 seconds to a minute
  • Wipe away excess product with a clean microfiber towel

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