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Product Review: The Rag Company Cyclone Ultra Premium Wash Pad


The Rag Company Ultra Wash Pad Secondary Shot

Wash media is one of those detailing categories that contains just so many different products, many of which work great, so the best choice is often incredibly user driven. Wash Mitts and Pads are some of the most popular options as they are soft, safe, yet washable and durable, so they last a long time. The Rag Company has both mitt and pad options, some of the most popular being the Cyclone Ultra Premium lineup.

For this wash, I reached for the Cyclone Ultra Premium Wash Pad as it was one on my list to try out with it being one of our better sellers. This pad measures 8″ x 6″ and has a high grade Korean microfiber makeup at a 70/30 blend. On the interior of the pad, there is a thick foam material that makes holding the pad easy when wet, while also sucking up a good amount of foam. While working around the vehicle, this foam also slowly releases shampoo to help extend your washing process when you are working panel by panel.

The long fibers are soft, have two different lengths, and two different colors. I found that these fibers pull contamination from the surface and hold it well, making it easier to clean and overall much safer in terms of introducing swirls. Better yet, dunking this pad into my bucket, you can see water soak in and dissipate quickly. The material really does a good job of holding dirt and grime, but releasing it easily as well. It really surprised me at how easily the pad would clean when rubbing it across my Grit Guard, leaving more junk at the bottom of the bucket, instead of reintroducing it onto the paint with your next swipe.

In my opinion, the Cyclone Ultra Premium Wash Pad is one of the best wash pads I have used and certainly one that I recommend to anyone who wants to add a pad to their wash collection. However, my personal preference is a wash mitt over a pad. I like being about to put my hand within the mitt and the Rag Company Cyclone Ultra Premium Wash Mitt also has an interior liner of the Gauntlet Drying Towel, which is an incredibly nice feature. Again, it really all comes down to the detailers personal preference, but Rag Company really has two winners here!

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