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Poorboy’s World Spray and Wipe (Waterless Wash): Should I have one Around?


Poorboy’s World Spray and Wipe is a product that I can say many positive things about depending on how you use it!  I would not use it to wash a car regularly.  What I mean by that, is I don’t recommend it as a substitute for or even in lieu of using the traditional hose and bucket method or a thoughtful rinseless wash method.  This is mostly because of my feelings about Waterless washing general and in minor part a critique of this product.

Poorboy’s World Spray And Wipe definitely do not feel as slick compared to other waterless options I have used.  From testing it as an actual wash option years ago, there was definitely noticeable marring present from my methods of cleaning.

For the record I am not comfortable with, nor would I recommend, any Waterless Wash regiment regardless of how slick it is.  Although I do not recommend waterless washing, Carpro ECH20 and Wolfgang Uber Rinseless  (diluted as a waterless wash), make a safer wash product in my opinion with their added gloss enhancers.  You may be working on a classic car that you can not get wet, Uber Rinseless or ECH20 would be my preferred options.  In defense of Poorboy’s World Spray And Wipe it is a product that leaves nothing behind.  From my experience, products that are slicker to the touch are going to be loaded with gloss enhancers.

So why do I keep it around?  Sometimes I want a product that leaves nothing behind; whether I had just stripped the protection off of a car or I don’t want anything that can alter the properties of my sealant.  It still has some lubricity.  It is a strong and gentle cleaner.  I like the convenience of the ‘ready to use bottle’ it comes with.  Sometimes I do not want to measure and mix products.  Below I list some more reasons why I like having a bottle around.

In the middle of a long (days) polishing session correction. Dust can naturally build-up, even in closed-off environments.


Sometimes a wash isn’t necessary.  But I feel better-having something more than a dry microfiber or combination microfiber and panel prep spray.  I will pair Poorboy’ Word Spray and Wipe with a few of my Eagle Edgeless towels.


Pulling a car in after washing and drying in certain environments.

Depending on the environmental conditions around you, in just a short window of time after washing and drying the car dust, contaminants, and debris may have already fallen on the car before you pull it in the garage.  This product might come in handy as a touch-up cleaner before claying.

It also doubles as a clay lubricant.

Doorjambs – Even if you only will ever use the two bucket traditional wash method, I think Poorboy’s World Spray and Wipe wash is good to have for doorjambs.  Even my doorjambs get pampered with some added lubricity when cleaning.

Wheels – I will use dedicated microfibers that will never touch paint.


I also like to use this product on my engine bay for touch-ups before taking it to a mechanic shop.  I like to leave obvious hints to strangers that I care about my car.  It is a strong cleaner.  I will spritz a microfiber towel a few times before wiping an area.

Spot Cleaning – Sometimes it is not realistic to wash a car every time a bird dropping lands on your car.  This product, paired with a very plush microfiber, can be good to have around when you want to get something off of your car.  Definitely make sure the area and towel are saturated with the product.

I am not the big fan of making spot cleaning a habit, if you know deep down you should just wash your car.

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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4 comments on Poorboy’s World Spray and Wipe (Waterless Wash): Should I have one Around?

  1. Soggy says:

    Hi Rodney, Poorboy’s S&W is great for sun-dried bird droppings when you first notice them–if you keep some in your car! When getting off from work or returning to the car from grocery shopping, you probably aren’t going to be able to do a full wash, but you can use PB’s to minimize the damage to your paint until you can. It does seem to be a very potent paint safe cleaner. Thanks for the great articles!

  2. Greg Pautler says:

    It’s a great product I’ve been using for over a decade! I use it to quickly clean the paint, jambs, and I also like it as a clay lube. It has enough lubricity but doesn’t leave residue behind making it easy and fast to use.

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