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My Opinion On The P&S Interior System


P&S Terminator Enzyme Spot And Stain, Carpet Bomber, and Finisher Peroxide Treatment is a three-part system and these products are designed to work together. It is a system built to clean a variety of soiling and stains from carpets and fabric.




Terminator Enzyme Spot And Stain – Enzymes are used to address (organic) bacterial, food stains and smells from substances. If the fabric/upholstery is in good condition, this step can be skipped.


Carpet Bomber – The second step or maintenance cleaner for light soiling.


Finisher Peroxide Treatment – Peroxide type deodorizers help eliminate the mildew and prevent development of mold, or stains remerging from an oversaturated carpet.  It can be looked at as insurance.  In case there are any trace chemical cleaners still on the carpet, it will pull the dirt and oils from your shoes.  The Peroxide Treatment is meant to prevent that.

You will definitely not get that perfume fragrance experience with this product.  It is more of a no thrills antibacterial last step process.  Having my car smell like a medicine cabinet for a few minutes can be well worth the effort if the product performs as intended.

Application and Results:

I vacuumed the area first to remove any loose debris. Liberally spraying the Terminator on the surface as a pretreatment, I let the chemical soak for 3 minutes.  I followed with a moderate application of the Carpet Bomber, scrubbing with a variety of stiff brushes shortly afterward.  After pulling the soiling with microfiber towels, I sprayed the surface with the Peroxide Finisher Treatment.  Although the instructions do not require it, I did a light wipe with the microfiber after a minute of the Finisher Treatment.


Below is the end result using this system on the carpets and matt.


I believe it is a solid system, with a caveat.  On mild to moderately soiled interiors, this is an excellent option to ensure a thorough cleaning.  For more severe interiors, this can still be a decent process, but a steam cleaner (opposed to just using a brush) would be necessary to yield desired results.  Without the aid of steam, recommended for effective cleaning with this system, these stains below could not be lifted.


Stubborn microfiber seats (pictured above) can be a challenge getting perfectly clean.  I found Sonax Multi-Purpose Auto Interior Cleaner and 303 Spot Cleaner to be more effective for these seats, ultimately removing these stains.  If I used a steam cleaner with the P&S system would allow you to maximize the cleaning power to more professional strength and more likely remove these stains.

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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