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4 comments on Ask-A-Pro: How to Clean Chromed Plastic Pieces on a Car?

  1. Kyle Weatherley says:

    Hi, i am trying to remove what i think are water marks from a plastic chrome grill but nothing i use seems to work, do you have any advice

  2. Rob says:

    SOS pads…..wet surface first, then LIGHTLY clean the surface with the sos pad and rinse. Redo the spots that you may have missed.

  3. Millie Hue says:

    Thanks for pointing out that a microfiber cloth is just enough to keep the chrome clean. I will share this information with my uncle since he will have some of his car parts hard chrome plated. This will help him keep it looking good. He is still waiting for incentives before he looks for a company that he can trust.

  4. mike smith says:

    a friend of mine said to use toothpaste and then use wd-40 on a shop rag. works great.

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