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22PLE Application


In DJ’s Mayo’s 22PLE review he discusses the benefits of 22PLE. I am going to go over some of the specifics of applying it. After the proper prep work and an Alcohol wipe down, you can then begin to apply 22PLE, I use the Pro version.  Proper application is as follows: First, use a foam applicator in a crosshatch pattern. As you can see below, after the initial application of 22PLE there are high spots. These are created from going over the area more than once or just applying too much product. Those larger spots you see are the high spots, or rainbows as I have coined them.  They look like IPA on the surface but wont evaporate, as this is a coating.  They will need to be leveled using a Microfiber Towel. Simply use the weight of the towel and no pressure. You will find that at the end of your wiping strokes, whether it be on the same panel or the adjacent panel, there will tend to be leftover high spots that need to be re-leveled with the towel.


Pay special attention around emblems, door handles, and hard body lines. Often times these areas get excessive amounts of product, which can lead to areas that you miss leveling. The same goes for when you are coating wheels. Pay special attention around the valves and center caps. It is as easy as just lightly wiping them off with the Microfiber.


Make sure you level these areas in roughly 3 minutes, or else they can get tacky. If you find that you let 22PLE sit too long, simply apply a little more and re-level with a Microfiber Towel.

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Gregory Gellas
Signature Detailing NJ
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
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14 comments on 22PLE Application

  1. Chris Handoyo says:

    Thanks for this write-up. I’m looking forward to using 22PLE for the first time in a few weeks. Do you know if it’s safe to put this stuff over a clear bra?

    • Zach says:

      I have been told by another DI AAP author that it should be fine on clear bra, but to always test in an inconspicuous area first just to be sure!

  2. Greg Gellas says:

    As Zach said it should be fine, just test it. Just know that if you apply it to some of the self healing films, you will void the warranty.


  3. David Purser says:

    You can apply it to the self healing films and it will not affect the self healing properties. I apply opti-guard to my film installs and have tested the film after application with no ill effect.

  4. Derek Streng says:

    Thanks Greg, very timely information. Did a 22ple service about a month ago and going back tomorrow to remove some high spots. Talked to Todd C. about it and he said roughly the same things to fix the issue. This was my first time using the coating.

  5. Joe says:

    I’m getting ready to put this on(already used the metal and trim formulas)once it warms up a bit here in Ohio. Good to know on the clear bra, I have expel ultimate. Been using Esoteric Signature Wax and love it, can’t wait for 22ple then some ESW. What’s the best pad to put the 22PLE Pro on with? I have the red pads Todd sells on his site for his wax and have read about make up applicators, cotton balls, etc for applying it. Would you also recommend within the first 6 hours doubling up on some of the hardest hit areas on my grand cherokee…lower rocker panels and rear hatch, maybe the roof and hood? I’ve heard of guys doing that, didn’t know if it was necessary with the Pro version, and taking consideration I have Todd’s wax too. As always, nice work. Thanks, Joe

  6. Greg Gellas says:

    The reason why other applicators are suggested is because the foam pads can absorb quite a bit of product. Something like a “soft touch cotton pad” is thin and won’t hold as much product. Which is fine, because I also “prime” the surface with a few drops around the entire area I am working on to use less product.

    Really, there is no need to “double up” on any area for me, all it will do is use up more product. The dirt releasing properties won’t get any better either.

    Thanks Greg 🙂

  7. Joe says:

    Thanks Greg…so you’re saying don’t use a regular foam applicator, and use something more like a cotton pad, or maybe a microfiber pad? Sorry for the questions, just want to use the right pad, not scratch the paint, apply it correctly, and not waste product. I figured it didn’t need layered up, especially if beading falls off, I’ll just put a little esoteric wax on it. Thanks.

  8. Ed B says:

    Unrelated, but I recently had my bmw dealer install a free scratch on my door. On the lip, edge area. I emailed detailed image for some advice and Greg was extremely helpful and gave me some great advice. In the end hardly any of it remains and I think if I do another pass, no one would even know it was there. I was very impressed with the Greg’s quick and courteous replies to my questions. I can’t recommend these guys enough!

    Thanks again,

    Ed. B.

  9. Ron Shirey says:

    What Product would remove 22PLE if it needed to be removed from the vehicle? Also, after 22PLE is applied, after proper cure time would a topping of Carnauba wax be of any benefit? I know these are two unrelated questions but I’m detailing a 2012 Black-cherry 370 Z roadster and I want it to look absolutely breathtaking. Is 22PLE Pro my best choice of toppings?

    Ron S.

  10. Glen says:

    I just finished my second coat – I found that a cheap applicator for interior detailing worked great it had a hard foam side where the ple just sat on top and was super easy to glide and spread. I have a 2013 Cadillac ATS in raven black and it seriously looks like glass now…

    pics posted on caddy forums 🙂


    my question is can you top this with a wax at all if you wanted or other sealant or ?? I will get bored if I cannot detail lol….

  11. Mr. Tomato says:


    Excellent work on the Caddy. May I please ask which pad you used to apply the product with?

    Unfortunately I used a small piece of a black foam pad. Needless to say it drank up the 22PLE like cacti in the Arizona desert 🙁


  12. Medal says:

    How soon can I apply another application

  13. Bob says:

    Also wondering the best way to remove 22ple because I have some flaws in the correction on the paint below the coating on a 46ft race car trailer ? Thanks for any advice ! I was thinking solvent ( lacquer thinner )

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