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Lake Country Pads for Porter Cable 7424 on Sale!

October 1st, 2007

For the month of October all Lake Country pads are on sale for just $7.99!  Purchase a pad as a complementary item to another product and instantly save another 5%, making the final price $7.59.

Worn out and contaminated pads can hinder your results as well as potentially add imperfections to your paint.  It is good practice to clean your buffer pads every few panels or simply replace them with a fresh pad for maximum results.  Allowing the product to cake up will bog down your pad and minimize cutting ability if you are trying to remove imperfections.  Periodically cleaning your pads or swapping them out also means that the pads are easier to clean and you will extend the life of your pads.  Take advantage of this monthly sale and save today!

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