Detailed Image Blog

Detailing Day 2013!

DI Detailing Day '13
May 18th is Detailed Image’s Official Detailing Day!
Dedicate this day to clean, shine, and protect your vehicle and bring back that deep glossy shine in time for Memorial Day and the Summer. To help celebrate this holiday we have a few contests and giveaways:

Free DI Swag Bag! 5/15 – 5/19

DI Swag Bag

Here are the coupon codes for the corresponding t-shirt sizes:

Act fast! We have a limited number of each coupon code due to the Limited Edition Detailing Day T-Shirts. If you use a coupon code and it is invalid, it means we have ran out of that size of the t-shirt you are looking for.

Detailing Day Photo Contest! 5/18 – 5/23

Like, Comment & Share Contest! 5/18 – 5/23

Some restrictions apply. Winners for all contests must be a registered user.

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