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Blackfire Products On Sale

April 11th, 2008

Detailed Image now proudly carries the Blackfire line of products.  Blackfire has recently developed some outstanding products that have really made this brand stand out to to detailing enthusiasts.  Blackfire’s owners have several decades of detailing experience and vast product development experience.  This has helped them create and refine some ultra high quality products that exceed the needs of even the most particular detailers.  They have products to help you care for your wheels, tires, paint, trim, interior and so much more.

One particular group of products I really like is the Blackfire polishes (Final Polish and Compound).  Blackfire has partnered with Menzerna to develop some of the most refined and effective polishes on the market.  Menzerna has become the world leader for polishes and shared some of the trade secrets with Blackfire.  The Blackfire polishes use a uniquely refined polishing particle that is densely clustered for exceptional cutting power and a remarkably smooth finish.  Some traditional polishes use a larger particle for increased cutting power which creates far more haze and micro-marring.

I’m also impressed with several other Blackfire products that are highly versatile and safe to use.  These products make detailing more cost effective and easier to do.  Each product is very well balanced and doesn’t have the major downsides that other manufacturers accept.  Please look through the Blackfire line of products and see what products they have created to help you complete an outstanding detail.

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