Detailed Image Blog

Removing Hair from Interior Fabrics

Removing human or pet hair can be very challenging, especially from fabrics. Hair will often weave itself in to the fabric so it can not be easily removed. I will quickly vacuum the area to remove any loose hair and debris. Assuming this doesn’t effectively remove the majority of the hair I would then get a good clean brush. Take the brush and wipe the cloth seats or carpets, working the hair top down and towards a central point. Sometimes you have to work the brush in multiple different directions to effectively pull the hair out. I’ll vacuum the brush a couple times while doing this brushing to prevent hair from being put back down on the fabric and to keep the brush clean. I vacuum up the hair that has collected and quickly re-vacuum the seats and carpets I just brushed. If any hair remains you can use a lint roller, tape, etc to try and pull it out the few remaining hairs. When you’re done make sure you empty the vacuum’s filter or bag and clean your brush.

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