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Tornador Air Blow Gun Z-014 Reviews

87% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 15 ratings

Customer Reviews

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I wanted use tornador specifically for blowing out DA orbital pads. It was powerful and efficient for about the first hour of use, but then it all of a sudden had a dramatic loss in power. The RPMs began fluctuating, and ultimately it weakened to the point where it's less effective than my standard Prevost blow gun.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great tool, it does what it is suppose to. It blows air
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I've had the tornador black and other cheap ones from Amazon. For the money this one preforms the best for me.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I honestly don't know how people detail without this tool. This tool makes detailing so much more efficient.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Awesome product. A must have in your detailing arsenal!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I thought about getting tool for years but found every reason not to do so. After finally making the purchase, all I can say is "why did I wait so long!". I've never seen my dash and door panels look this clean.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Works well for a lot of things not only blowing cracks clean on interiors. Used it to clean dust and cobwebs from garage, clean couches really anything that just needs a quick strong jolt of air. It does sucks the life out of my Porter Cable 6 gallon compressor but that's to be expected. Recommended air flow is up to 90 psi I believe but it really needs more than that to work well, I'm sure the increased flow will cause it to fail sooner rather than later. Overall great tool to blast things clean. Not great for pad cleaning, still prefer a small nozzle trigger for that job.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Nice weapon in the arsenal just make sure you have enough mustard to run it.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
A must for blowing out my polishing pads. And the sound it makes is satisfying
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I have three in total along with three Replacement tips and hoses plus the tornado that sprays solution. Best tool in my detailing arsenal.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I have a 30 gallon ingersoll rand HD air compressor. My compressor handles the tool air flow great, but my compressor runs the entire time. I can run my compressor continuous and it will not harm it. Case in point is that you will need the correct size compressor that can supply the air volume this tool demands. With that said this tools works incredible and is made of quality materials. Great for pre-drying, engine bays, interiors, mats ...just about everywhere you can think of. I use it to clean the sand and debris from leather seat stitchings after they have been thoroughly vacuumed. The plastic tip helps to prevent any damage to leathers or any other delicate materials.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Does a great job makes such dirty filthy carpets easy to clean up!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This tool is SUPER useful in many ways but ONLY if you have a good compressor! I own and operate a large high end auto detailing solan so we have a 80 Gallon 2 Stage Air Compressor there so there was no draw backs when using this tool... we where able to get full capacity with this tool. We use it to blow pads out after every ass when doing Paint Corrections and also use it when cleaning pads at the end of the day after washing them out we like to blow them dry as possible using this tool and it works way better then the bucket pad cleaners. Also we use this to blow out sand and other small trapped dirt exe after we do a full vac we come back and blow everything lose that the first vac could not get then vac everything else up after blowing out then follow up with hot water extractor which leaves the carpets looking brand new every time. One last thing this tool works great when your preforming paint corrections and ur using heavy dusting compounds like M105, you can use the tool to blow the dust off the vehicle after your cycle is done and then remove the compound using your IPA to reduce chances of putting more scratches into the finish... the ideas are endless!
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Would they buy this item again? No
Useless volume of air. A "tornado" not.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is a must have tool for sandy carpets! Saves time in a high volume shop.

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