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The Rag Company Ultra Air Engine Blaster Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 2 ratings

Customer Reviews

Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
Hello folks, this is one fantastic tool here! Now,,,,it does the engine you can go ahead and use it for the vents in air conditioning the door jams. The railings were the seats slide back-and-forth. The list goes on and on… and if you're old. fellow like me, it's good on your back… to do the wheels too…. if you wanna increase your business, buy this tool and send a video to one of your customers doing the interior. They'll talk about it for days……. Wow that Detailing guys got some neat stuff. Look at that how that dirt comes out of my door jams…. I'm serious folks….
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
This engine cleaner exceeds expectations. The quality of the gun surpasses the other available brands without a doubt. I used koch chemie GS 10:1 and it was removing baked on engine oil easily. It only covers a small area at a time but it's great for spot treating.

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