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The Rag Company Cyclone Ultra Premium Wash Mitt Blue Reviews

78% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 9 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Once broken in these wash mitts do what they should do well, but ultimately I decided to not recommend these wash mitts for the 3 reasons below:
1. The mitts I purchased for testing had a lot of loose strands and debris that needed to be cleaned out prior to their first use. ~20oz of dedicated microfiber detergent spread over 5 washes (2 of which were soakings) and they were finally ready for their first use. Once this is done they wash like any other mitt I own.
2. The wash mitt is too big. Using the cyclone as a wash pad is preferable, but that isn't the issue. Due to its size it makes cleaning the tight areas that every vehicle has more difficult than it should be.
3. The Gtechniq WM2 is in the same price category and is a noticeably superior wash mitt in every way.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Very good quality product
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Love it. Holds a lot of water, and cleans easily in rinse bucket with grit guard.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This mitt is too big to put on your hand, so I just use it as a sponge. Since I foam my cars first, this mitt cuts down my trips to the bucket 50%.
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Would they buy this item again? No
Bought the TRC Cyclone on a binge of trying out new wash mitts. This mitt is well made and of quality materials. But it is just too big. The loose fit on the hand inside the mitt makes it more difficult to manipulate around the protrusions on the vehicle. I have large hands, but they swim in this mitt. It also gets quite heavy/sloppy when dipped in the wash bucket. Love The Rag Company products but not this one. (I greatly prefer the Gtechniq WM2 Microfibre Wash Mitt, much better size and similar construction.)
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Love the mitt! Works great!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Love the mitt !!Works great!!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Yes. If I could post pictures I would. But its a lot bigger and holds more than any other wash mitt ive used. It has this little web type thing inside which lets you have something to grab onto because it gets heavy with how much it holds. Would recommend

Only con, wash it at least twice before you use it, the microfibers are not all attached but after two washes they seemed to go away and stop falling off.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
This mitt does a nice job. Holds a good amount of soap solution and is gentle.

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