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Sonax Ultimate Cut Reviews

80% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 5 ratings

Customer Reviews

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I really like this product, low dust is great and it gives you a long working cycle. Must have for paint correction
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Would they buy this item again? No
I had VERY high hopes for this product, as I am a huge fan of Perfect Finish and I think CutMax is very decent depending on the type of paint or clearcoat you are working on. My issue with CutMax was that when using on very hard clearcoats, it was always lacking in cut. When this was available, I preordered immediately.

After trying on 9 different vehicles - ranging from fresh repainted panels that are fairly soft, to OEM clear that is very hard. I have used on Rotary with wool (twisted 4-ply and Lambswool), rotary with foam, DA with wool, DA with microfiber, and DA with foam. In every single case, it has failed to fully remove even 3k trizact sanding marks (yes even with rotary/wool) and the finish was atrocious in every case except for one.

I have tried it on block/hand wet sanded 1500 grit, DA dry film 1500 grit, 1500 grit followed by 3k trizact, and 3k trizact by itself. It let me down every single time. The only time it finished well was on super hard clearcoat on a new Type R civic, and it was with a blue HDO foam pad.

If you are looking for a compound to quickly remove sanding marks or heavy defects, while finishing down well, I would suggest Meguiar's M101, Meguiar's M100, CarPro ClearCut, or a few others.

Swing and a miss from Sonax in my opinion. Very disappointed.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This compound is the replacement for rotary.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I was really excited to try this out and have used it on a few projects since release. I paired with a Rupes lhr19 rotary/lake country purple foamed wool. Cuts through 1500 grit and heavy defects with ease. No sling, no real dusting, and really long working time. This and 3d aca 500 are now my favorites.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
Oooh I couldn't wait till they asked me to review this. This is hands down one of my fav cutting compounds the moment I received this stuff. I used it on some 20 year old, daily driven ram with some extreme swirls and deep RIDS. This stuff on my flex PE-14 cut insanely good like there was hazing but after one pass that's all there was. It removed ALL of the swirls, 90% of the RIDS except for the heavy stuff and left a perfect uniform controlled defect that I used Perfect Finish to remove and it was FLAWLESS. This was on an orange LC force hybrid by the way not wool, not microfiber, no heavy blue or grey cut. Hands down sonax have replaced Menzerna as my main correction fluids. Way less oil to deal with too. I'm glad I sprung for the Liter. If you're debating this GRAB SOME

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