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Sonax EX 04-06 Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 4 ratings

Professional Detailer Reviews

It is surely a great product for doing one stage paint polishing and expecting great results
Product Review: Sonax EX 04-06

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Unreal, paired it up with the Lake Country orange pad and after I wiped off the residue, it's like a mirror finish. Just like everyone says, 3-4 drops is all you need in a small area, otherwise the pad gets gunked up and won't cut well. I also used 1 pad per panel which aided in the speed of polishing.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Used as a one-step with a Uro-Fiber pad. Good working time, low dust, easy to wipe off. Great correction of swirls and other light defects. Moderate defects can also be knocked down with more passes.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is a great polish that provides a decent amount of cut with a very high gloss finish. Sonax Perfect Finish is said to be the best overall polish on the market by many pro detailers including myself, and the Sonax 04-06 is very similar to Perfect Finish for a lower price. 04-06 was formulated to be used with Dual Action polishers and Perfect Finish was formulated for Rotary polishers. I have found that they both work great on any machine. The only difference I can find using 04-06 and Perfect Finish is the 04-06 is very slightly more difficult to remove. Since that is the only user difference, I generally use the 04-06 more often because of the value for money. Both are amazing products.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Sonax 04-06 is an excellent 1-step polish which really does take down medium imperfection and all swirls, and does it quickly.
You have to learn to not use too much product, or it will start taking longer to correct sections. Just 3 to 4 drops on a 6in Rupes Yellow pad. This is a great combination - really reduces correction time. After spreading on low speed, bump speed up one notch and use 10lbs pressure for one or two passes on 16in x 16in section - with slow arm speed. Then bump the speed faster and two more passes with light pressure to finish. Wipe off and all swirls should be gone. I have 2015 Nissan in Jet Black and this product allowed me to finish a whole side in 2 hours vs. 4 hours on the other side with ChemGuys 3-step 34, 36, 38 polishes. This polish also took out medium imperfections without having to resort to a compound. Better first-time results than Optimum Hyper Polish. Faster than using Menzerna 2500, then 3500 in a 2-step process. Big time savings and great finish. Just remember NOT to overuse product, and to change pads often - I suggest 1 pad per door panel for instance. If you get product/clear coat build up on the pad your time efficiency and results go down - with any polish.

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