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Sonax Ceramic Spray Coating Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 2 ratings

Customer Reviews

Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
In my opinion this is one of if not the best mid term spray and wipe sealants on the market. The intial hydrophobics are on par f not better than polish angel or kamikaze sprays. The insane intial hydropbics hand around for several weeks before contact angle drops a bit for the next seveal plus weeks. Havent seen any other product produce beads like this for as long. Pair this with the ultra slick detailer and you have 2 amazing products to keep yuou car looking amazing.

Also a great option for professionals looking for a ceramic booster package for ceramic coatings that are getting weak. May bring hydropbics to better than hat the ceramic was doing day one.

As with most if not all sealants yes the product can be streaky if over used, very little goes a long way and if you have a dark colored car that is especially streak prone adding a spray of water to the towel may help.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
It's been a great, easy, spray protection that I routinely use in my detailing business. Great water beading and behavior like BSD but much much smoother feeling! It's lasted real world just over 4+ months here in Florida weather and that was a single coat. A little goes a long way and should get plenty of vehicles from a 750ml bottle.

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