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Rupes iBrid Nano Rechargeable Power Pack Battery

Rupes iBrid Nano Rechargeable Power Pack Battery
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Customer Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again
Based upon 1 ratings

Product Description

The Rupes iBrid Nano Rechargeable Power Pack Battery is the standard battery for your Rupes Big Foot iBrid Nano! The iBrid Nano Kit comes with 2x of these rechargeable battery packs and one Battery Charger, allowing you to have one battery in use and one charged battery waiting to be used. Now if you run out of juice, you can charge a battery and with the charger, it will only take 20 minutes, or you can use the AC-DC Adapter to turn your iBrid Nano into a corded unit. But what if you do not want to wait to charge a new battery, or use the iBrid Nano with a cord? The easy solution is to pick up a few more iBrid Nano Rechargeable Power Pack Batteries and charge them up before you detail. With several charged batteries you will always be ready to detail. Even if you just lose a battery and need a replacement, this rechargeable battery is the perfect fit. Never be caught without iBrid Nano Batteries fully charged, pick up an extra iBrid Nano Rechargeable Power Pack Battery today!

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Excellent replacement battery and perfect customer service as always from DI. Thank you

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