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Rupes UNO Protect One Step Polish & Sealant Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 14 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Extremely easy to use! If you are new to polishing grab this and some orange lake country pads! I spray a little bead maker on top of this and it looks insanely glossy!!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This might just become my favorite one step. Goes on easy and dust free. Cut can be adjusted via pad selection. Wipe off is super easy. Leaves paint feeling slick.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Must be shaken well prior to each use or it will be runny. Works extremely well and quick. Careful selection of pads can increase cutting power greatly. Easy wipe off and deep gloss.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This product is insane. Results were fantastic
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Honestly all I only have pros to say about this product. Workability is good and correction and protection is good for a one step. I use it mostly on vehicles and revert to HD Speed for enclosed trailers and "trade in" details. I love removing Uno Protect with Bead Maker. The added gloss from bead maker is a knockout 1 2 combo.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
really like this product works very well for a 1 step product and a finishing product after buffing. this has been my go to polish.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I've only tried 3D one, and this product as an all in one. (Other than klasse but those products are chemical AIO' s not mechanical)

Both are fantastic, with,rupes having the advantage of fewer section passes. Time will tell for what holds up better.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I've been using this as my all in one paint enhancement to replace the HD SPEED. This compound has been made right! Here is a scratch removal that I used Uno on solely!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Just got to use it yesterday on my wife's 2020 Volvo XC60 BLACK paint with a Lake Country orange HDO pad and I did get great results. I ended up letting it sit for 20min and then spraying Megs Xpress wax prior to wiping it off and it was super easy to wipe off. The soft black paint really popped and it removed some dealer installed love marks and water spots.
So far the only CON is the liquid consistency.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I ordered my second 1000 ml bottle, quite impressed so far with the easy on and off. You can leave it on for quite a while, which it prefers. Very nice on a car with reasonable paint condition, will keep it in my collection of regular products. Try a bottle, you will be impressed.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I used UNO Protect on a neglected car that definitely needed a multi-step polish, but the owner just wanted to clean it up to sell it. I performed a test spot with a Rupes Yellow foam pad and while it finished well and added some gloss, it just didn't remove enough defects. I ended up using a microfiber cutting pad and it removed more defects and actually finished really well. Ended up with just as much gloss as the yellow foam. It saved me a ton of time to be able to one step with the UNO and microfiber. Cleaning the microfiber after every pass was a must. Uno really transformed the look of the car, added some protection and saved me a bunch of time. Excited to use this on a car with nice paint that just needs some gloss. Overall, I'm impressed and this will be my go to one-step process for people that just want a quick(er) detail.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great product and very versatile on the ways to attack different paints.
Can increase the cut or lower depending on pad finish, can be smeary sometimes depending on
weather conditions sometimes might require a second towel for wipe off, its best to let it set up for a little while.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I have been using this product the past few days and am impressed. I first saw it at SEMA and although the product does not seem to have as much correction capability as Rupes stated there; it is still really great. The correction capability is pretty good for an AIO but I do not see it removing anything more than 3000 grit. I used it with Rupes yellow foam, Rupes yellow wool, Lake Country HDO orange, and Lake country foamed wool on a variety of machines like the lhr21mk3 with shaved down 6in backing plate, Rupes LHR19 rotary, Nano, and Adams 3in DA. It seemed to go best with the Rupes wool and LC HDO pads on the DA, just to much sling for me on the rotary which I take partial responsibility for! If the protection holds up to the claimed duration then this would be a great product to try for anyone seeking a fairly priced AIO that works well. It has a fairly watery consistency so be cautious of sling. Will be buying again!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
RUPES UNO Protect is an absolute must have! This is especially true if you are a professional detailer. My experience with this product is completely mind blowing. Here's why.

To begin, the scent of the product is mesmerizing. I can't seem to formulate the right words for it. So we'll just leave it at that. Once shaken up thoroughly, the product pours out on the liquidity side of things, but that is to be expected with an all-in-one polish.

I had the pleasure to try this with RUPES Fine Yellow Foam Polishing Pad first. After about 4-6 passes with normal to slow arm speed, about 70% to 80% of the defects were removed.

After my first test spot, I moved on to a different section of the panel. All other factors remained the same. The only difference was I had selected RUPES Medium Wool Polishing Pad for the next round...and voila! Up to 90% of defects were removed this time.

By the way, the test subject is my 2008 Subaru Forester Sport in World Rally Blue. And the last combination of product and pads finish down to an excellent finish using my LHR15 III.

Either way...bottomline:

Impressed? YES!

Once I had my processed dialed in, I completely an entire half of the panel (hood) before I wiped off the residue. Then I proceeded with the remainder. Wipe off is a dream! Additionally, the slickness is off the chart.

What water beading? The sheeting is so impressive that it left very little water behind. But I am sure that if there were actually water beading properties that it would also be jaw dropping.

Needless to say, this product is a keeper and my new favorite all-in-one. Hence, the length of this review. I hope this helps you out if you are considering purchasing this product. You won't be disappointed!

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