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Rupes BigFoot Rotary Polisher LH19E Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 6 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
The LH19E has a nice balance unlike cheaper polishers. Has the speed to take off any imperfections. I currently own several cordless Flex models. It is nice to return to the power of the plug.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I purchased this rotary around the time of its release and have been thoroughly impressed. Prior to this I had been using the FLEX PE14 for several years which was also a really solid machine. I prefer rotary for removing sand scratches after denibbing work and complete vehicle sanding on fresh clearcoat for the vehicles I paint. Some of the UHS and HS clears I use can be challenging to work with when removing sand scratch marks due to how quickly they fully cure and harden so a reliable and capable machine is a must. This rotary is extremely light, the side grip is the best I have ever used and drastically reduces vibrations, being a rotary you have the capability to use 1in-8in pads, and it is built like a tank. The very low speed settings also make this a very safe option for those getting comfortable with a rotary. Unfortunately rotaries have been pushed to the side by many due to marketing with the introduction of long throw machines which removes a very versatile tool option for those correcting or finishing clearcoat. If you want a new rotary or wish to get started with rosaries this is a solid option.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Used and owned a DW849, Makita 9227 & Makita 9237. Been thinking on getting the Rupes LH19E for the last year or so and finally made the jump.

I've only used a few minutes but so far so good, light and seams to have good power. Pretty happy with purchase.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This machine is amazing. I bought the Mark III 21mm not long ago to upgrade from my Torq 22D. After using that I knew I had to upgrade from my old dewalt rotary to a Rupes and I couldn't be more happy. Less fatigue, smoother operation, better results! I would recommend if your on the fence, don't wait any longer and order it now!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
As a Professional this Rotary machine is used on a daily basis and is extremely smooth and perfectly balanced. I own a many Rupes polishers and all of them handle like a Bentley and have all the Bells and Whistles. What I have found in my personal Professional experience is that all products from Rupes are SUPER High quality. Although RUPES is a bit more expensive than other brands, the ol' saying goes "You get what you pay for".
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
By far the best rotary I've ever used! Extremely lightweight for a rotary and incredibly smooth! I'm also glad that Rupes decided to include just about all the features that are on the new mark III bigfoot on this! You can't beat the extra long cord.

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