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Raggtopp Fabric Protectant Reviews

78% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 9 ratings

Customer Reviews

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I followed the procedures required (cleaning, very dry top, etc.) and applied two cans worth of Fabric Protectant. Water is still being absorbed into my convertible top.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I have used the Raggtopp cleaner and the Raggtopp Fabric Protectant is highly recommend especially on an older fabric top. I will continue to use the protectant ...though a little expensive, I suggest that one apply this product yearly if a seasonal car or more often if not.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Have used both the Raggtop Cleaner and Protectant for over a decade in the rainy Pacific Northwest - the HOME of Convertible Cars!

I pressure wash the top first, then spray the cleaner and use a TuffShine Tire Brush to gently scrub the soap in.

Then pressure wash to rinse, then my secret. I use my Mytee HP60 Extractor to rise/extract all the water out and I get flawless clean tops every time.

Then 24 hour dry and spray the protectant and I get color enriched tops again with major beading.

Love these 2 products, never getting anything else.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I have always liked it and still do. Although it is not cheap, nothing good ever is.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
The best product for rag tops.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
It worked great! It recommends two coats initially which I did. Water beads up nicely now! Now I have to wax the car soon to get it to bead up as nice!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I used this along with the Rage Top cleaner on the daughters Mustang convertible this past week. The cleaner worked great. But if you hold the conditioner to close when spraying You will get a patchy look finish on the top. it took 4 coats to blend it all in. Daughter is very happy. I will use this again now that I know how to use it.
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Would they buy this item again? No
I was not very impressed with this product. I cleaned my top with RaggTopp cleaner and let it completely dry then applied the fabric protectant as recommended. Afterwards I did not notice any difference in the looks or water resistance on my top. Water still soaks into the fabric; it doesn't "bead" water at all like they advertise. Also you are supposed to spray 2 to 3 coats on each time you use it. I just put on 2 coats and the can is nearly empty already!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This product is outstanding in my experience. I love the fact that the leading maker of convert tops endorses this product. The durability is really good. Follow the directions perfectly and you will get perfect results. KEY: Make sure the top is VERY dry before you apply.

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