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P&S Tempest HD Concentrated Cleaner and Degreaser Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 5 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I use this stuff on everything, lol. Knocks out wheel well dirt and works great on cleaning concrete.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This stuff is fantastic. This is one of my favorite tire degreasers.. it reminds me of my other favorite degreaser and it has the same color and I guess that's the only way to work the composition of the chemicals.. being a little bit of a chemist myself… I like it 4 to one and it really does a good job!!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Coming from a nice detail shop this is the best degreaser that we have used to date. We have used degreasers from Malco, Shine Supply, Meguiar's, Adam's, Superclean and more and this is the best that we have found and is now a staple at our shop. Diluted at 9:1 it works on everything from floor mats, to door jambs to engines and doesn't stain clear coat when used on the exterior of a car. It's very economical and 9:1 and smells nice. What more could you ask for? Give it a try, it just might be your new forever degreaser.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great degreaser for your door jambs and engine bay. Very strong product so make sure to dilute it.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I'm really impressed with this product. I've tried it at different dilution rates and it does a great job. For the price you can't beat it and for cleaning the engine bay it's great and it's safe on a lot of the items I've cleaned(no staining) still test it before you use on anything you are worried about but I've had great luck so far at a 7:1.

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