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P&S Knock Off Concentrated Wheel Cleaner Reviews

86% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 7 ratings

Customer Reviews

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I use it 4:1 on a dry wheel before I pressure wash it. Usually gets off 75-90% of everything before agitating. Then I can fly through my agitation with brake buster at 10:1. I usually spray some knock off on the lug nuts too for a little extra cleaning power there.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is a must have in your arsenal! I use this to as a pre treatment on my wheels and tires at 4-1 and it as the name says knocks off most of the build up grime. This allows your tire and iron base wheel cleaners to work on what is left leaving most wheels looking brand new. You can use this as a wheel and tire cleaner as well I will sometimes use 10-1 on the wheel face and 4-1 on the tire. This doesn't work as well as a dedicated tire cleaner for tough jobs however, it will suffice for a weekly-monthly wash routine
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I like this better than brake buster, but mostly because of a cost standpoint. Brake Buster wasn't strong enough and I'd have to use it full strength which is not as profitable running a business. Knock off is great cause I dilute 4:1 and it does a great job cleaning any wheel. It sucks at cleaning tires and thats where brake buster shines, but its nice to have a product I can dilute and still be effective.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
As a Mobile Detailing business, I been using Brake Buster as my go to wheel cleaner. This Knock Off works for more caked on wheels, generally on newer clients and fleet washes. I also use it on day to day regular clients and can trust it will do the job without any hesitation!!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
It works good as a tire and wheel cleaner (if you using with ik foamer works better ).
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Would they buy this item again? No
I've tried this a couple of times now, and it does do a great job cleaning wheels, better than a lot of products. However, I haven't had much luck cleaning tires at various dilution rates (most recently 4:1). It does an okay job, but typically I need to use another product for the tires to really clean them up. On the P&S page, it does say its for wheels AND tires. I prefer one product to clean my wheels and tires, and was hoping this was more or less a higher concentrated brake buster. So, I'll go back to brake buster or meguiars non acid wheel cleaner, etc when I've used it up.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Easily the best wheel cleaner I've used. I'm not a volume shop but this is literally spray on, let it dwell, and pressure wash off. Most of the time, you don't really need to agitate. Way more effective than Brake Buster. This is my new go-to wheel cleaner.

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