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P&S Dream Maker Reviews

88% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 8 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? No
Color me unimpressed. I bought several new quick detailers to try, including Dream Maker because it seemed promising as a last-step gloss enhancer. While it does add some shine, it was not all that dramatic in my opinion, at least not on paint that had been re-sealed 24h earlier--and, worse, it smears. Even applied and thoroughly buffed with new, high-quality, pre-washed plush microfibers (Rag Company), when I pulled out an inspection light, the finish was not flawless. Granted, this was an extremely light haze/smear effect, but I expected perfection--and achieved it easily after re-treating with another product. This bottle went straight to the trash. I might fish it out and have another go, for fairness' sake, but maybe not, as there are alternatives that yield equal or better results with less fuss.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
It took me a few uses to really appreciate what this product is doing. I knew going in that it was strictly gloss enhancement with no protection. I had a similar product that did the same thing but after continuing to use dream maker, I came to appreciate it and like it even more than the other product. The other key thing is to find to right towels to use with it for that final wipe off as it is a bit thick. The rag company FTW towel is perfect for that final buff. The gloss it leaves behind is great even on light colored paints.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
An amazing product if you understand what it is used for. This is for gloss with no protection. Multiple other products add some gloss but also protection. After awhile all these drying aids and different products streak after they are all topped on one another. I agree other products offer protection but not gloss like this. If you wash your car one or two times a week after awhile so many toppers can interfere with one another so something like this is great. Anytime you want extra gloss you can see instantly this is the product. Loads of gloss perfect for many occasions and its a must have.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Applied to my vehicle and all advertising statements are proven true
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
My vehicles are in great condition as I've paint corrected and coated them. I was looking for something that provided more gloss than I already had. Dream Maker definitely lives up to its name. I tried it on my wife's metallic grey Avalon: Wow! The improvement is noticeable and very slick.

It's been a week now with no rain. I'm curious if rain will rinse off the Dream Maker. I'm happy with the purchase and recommend it.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Awesome gloss! Going in, I knew there is no protection. It's basically a detail spray. I use it as my topper, over Bead Maker. Very easy to use. Spray and wipe. And again, that gloss! Wow!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I'll admit that I didn't really get it at first. Why a product with absolutely zero protection properties when everything out there fights for the most longevity while adding gloss? Then I tried it. I applied it to the raven black hood of my daughter's paint corrected and sealed Cadillac as well as one door and asked my family to peek in the garage and see if they could identify which panels had the product applied. They identified them with ease and we're in awe just like me! I now apply this product before every delivery in my professional detailing business!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
this was chosen as the free item from a purchase. it has been used, no issue with the sprayer and buying again does not apply.

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