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P&S All Purpose Cleaner Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 2 ratings

Customer Reviews

Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
Bad smell. Can't really describe it. Not noxious like Megs APC, but not pleasant at all. Seems to be very strong. I use it on wheels, tires, and engines. The neon green it is dyed with is unnecessary, as well as the smell. re-release the product without these problems and it's a no-brainer! Price is excellent, seems to be strong enough to do the job. I would purchase again if it were not on backorder. First time I used it I was turned off a lot by the smell, but was won back by its power. 8/10 would reccomend
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
Got this to try since I enjoy nearly everything from the P&S lineup. Used for interior cleaning and it did as well if not better than Meguiars APC. it also had a relatively pleasant smell compared to the noxious aroma from Meguiars. Would definitely recommend trying it if you're on the fence or tired of frying your sinuses.

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