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Optimum FerreX Iron Remover Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 6 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Dries a little too quick for my liking affecting the desired dwell time. Obviously, a fallout remover drying onto a painted surface is bad. Be careful is all. Prefer Iron-X still.
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Expensive, however if used as a clay lube, you can just spray a few sprays into a clay towel. Very efficient and you get two steps done at once!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
The obvious comparison is to Carpro's IronX or TriX. Having used Both IronX and TriX many times, FerreX seems to work just as well. FerreX has the added benefit of breaking down tar, but doesn't seem diluted down like TriX. FerreX also seems to have a much milder odor. My bottle of IronX has to stay in a large ziplock when not in use to keep the garage from smelling. I also like that FerreX seems to lather up more and provide more lubrication when agitated. I generally don't just spray it on and rinse it off as I feel agitation really is necessary to fully remove contaminants. IronX and TriX will lather some and do provide lubrication, just not quite as much as FerreX.

To me, being that they're the same price for the half liter and gallon, there's no reason to buy IronX as FerreX will double as a tar remover, not smell as bad, and lathers up better. Overall not a huge difference, but FerreX is the better product.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I bought this to compare with Ironx. It works equally well as Ironx. Ferrex also does the added job of removing tar which is nice. It does still have that infamous iron scent that smells terrible. I still find Ironx to work faster and stay wetter longer.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I bought this to try an iron remover along side CarPro's IronX. I learned that a little goes a long way. It is expensive but it does help loosen the decontaminates before using my clay mitt. I sprayed, let sit, used the clay mitt to spread around and let sit for another few minutes. It worked as advertised. However when it came to heavily soiled wheels, IronX worked better. It would let me to believe that IronX is a little more potent.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
The purchase of this product was done with some scepticism. The price I believe is high for the size of the bottle. My truck is a 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 four door and the color is white. I wet down each panel individually sprayed one panel at a time. I could see the Optimum FerreX Iron Remover working as the instructions claim. The iron is being eaten by the color of the spray turning purple. A smoother feel of the finish remains. After the FerreX sits a few minutes I wash with a wool mit and Megs yellow off the shelf detergent. Thus far I have been able to treat my truck two times and my wife's gold colored Durango once. The bottle has about a quarter fluid remaining. Using Optimum FerreX Iron Remover, one must be sure to rinse thoroughly to remove the spray or you will have noticeable streaks on your finish. I would recommend this brand to anyone wishing to have a smoother feel after washing.

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