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Mytee S-300H Tempo Spotter w/Heat Reviews

25% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 4 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? No
First of the unit is great... only reason I won't buy again is size and having to replace 2 vac motors already and that is bogus af. I wish u could send back to upgrade and they discounted your return but that ain't how life works. The overall is gran it if you can but be sure to keep and eye on that vac motor... I actually had to replace 2 already and will be buying another to have in stock
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? No
I bought this unit back in August 2016 and experienced the exact same problems as Chris H. The unit worked great for a month or two and then the vacuum stopped working. I contacted the manufacturer to replace the vacuum and they were absolutely no help at all. I've been stuck with this unit just sitting in storage ever since as the vacuum is crucial to its main function. It's useless without the vacuum working. I felt like It was a waste of money, but expected more assistance from the manufacturer. That was a huge disappointment. I don't recommend this item.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I would 100% buy this again, but I know I will not need to. Reason being it is made RIGHT. Strong fittings, metal, sturdy, great. With this machine I am not worried about it falling on the ground and breaking where as a junky plastic one I would (aka Aqua Pro Vac). The heat that is produced with this machine is top notch and so perfect for professional detailing and extracting.

My only issue with this machine is not buying it sooner than I did.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? No
I purchased this unit in 2017 with high hopes of being able to up my game on my interior cleaning offerings, to my surprise this machine was a huge waste of money. The heat and pump portions work great but It will not vacuum up the water it puts out. Leaving a horrible mess to clean up or use your wet dry vac to finish the job. I had high hopes but now just frustration with Mytee and their product. I can not recommend this item at all, it is a big waste of money that would have better served me elsewhere.

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