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Metro Vacuums Blaster SideKick Blower Reviews

86% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 14 ratings

Professional Detailer Reviews

I highly recommend this tool for any detailing enthusiast or professional who is seeking a quick and easy way to eliminate those annoying water spots from water in all of the hard to reach places. The sidekick is so small and convenient, it is much less cumbersome to use than a traditional leaf blower, and (in my opinion) it works better too!
Product Review: Metro Vacuums Blaster SideKick Blower

Customer Reviews

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This tool is useful for crevices but not effective to dry the whole vehicle. I use a leaf blower for the whole car and this tool could be used to augment the leaf blower for tight spaces, but if you switch to a more narrow nozzle for the leaf blower then this tool isn't necessary.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I resisted buying one of these for a long time but now that I've used it a few times, I am kicking myself for waiting. As we all know, cars trap water and even if you think you've dried it off, that first trip down the street has it coming out of all the nooks and crannies, spitting all over your hard work. My Mazda CX-5 is particularly adept at trapping water and so I finally broke down and bought this. It has been a game changer. In addition to blowing out water from around mirrors, badges and plastic trim pieces, it's also hugely helpful at drying off wheels and tires. My only complaint is that it is a little loud so maybe use ear protection if you're sensitive to noise like I am but you won't regret adding this to your detailing cabinet.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great tool for blowing out tight spots, mirrors, vents, wheels, etc. when I don't feel like firing up the air compressor. Heated air is great for quick and spot free drying of tight places.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
For its size, I am surprised by how powerful it is. I use it on my rims, crevices and plastic floor mats, they dry in seconds. I sometimes use it to blow out tight spaces inside the car which it does just as well as compressed air. A definitely buy
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Used electric leaf blowers for years drying off my clients vehicle's and used to help make sure their interiors were completely dust free when doing Interior Cleaning.

Made the jump and bought the Master Blaster, man have I been wasting alot of time all these years with a electric leaf blowers. Also purchased the little Sidekick a short while later. Another amazing dryer, and with a punch!

Small blower with incredible power! Use alot for blowing out the interior, under and beside seats, cracks and crevices. Blowing compound dust off surfaces. Drying off motorcycle and when doing Rinseless Washing to make sure all liguids are gone.

Well worth the money and all the uses is just incredible, will be getting another one soon!!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
The Metrovac Sidekick is great for drying wheels, mirrors, door jambs, grills, and other nooks. I use Griots Garage PFM Drying Towel for the car and follow it up with the Sidekick to get any hard to reach spots. This could probably dry an entire car if it was ceramic coated, but slower than a drying towel. Great tool to have and much more portable than a leaf blower.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
It is awesome. Saves time drying the vehicle and you can polish the car faster because you don't have to worry about water dripping. Works great on motorcycles too.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Okay so...this is an awesome tool to have. I can't stand water dripping out of cracks and crevices and this thing really does help to get it out. Only problem is the baby cord metro put on the blower, it will start to mess up for real. It burnt a nasty blister into the palm of my hand because someone who designed the product decided a 6 inch cord poking out the unit would be sufficient. I tried everything to prevent the cord from ever giving me issues but it burnt me! I think for 100 dollars it should come with a longer cord.
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Would they buy this item again? No
Works great for getting water out of crevices, but drying off an entire car? No way. Already used it therefore can't return it, so I am going to give it to friend who has a Harley. Should work well for that.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Love this little machine! Its compact size makes it incredibly easy to store and it'd little 1.3HP really does a great job pushing water of . I've never had windows look so good! A sealed car plus the Metro Sidekick is the perfect combo! I will buy another guaranteed!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great product! Compact to fit in my detailing cupboard, yet more than powerful enough. Also, much quieter than anticipated. I was able to use this at night with my kids sleeping right above the garage and they never woke up. Added bonus: lowest price found so far. Almost half of what Griot's sells it for.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I bought this thinking it would be enough for my car but it's really not.. It would be great for a motor bike which is what it is for.. Its built well feels sturdy in your hand. I'll sell this one and buy it's grand dad.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Bought this during the Black Friday sale. At first, I was kind of skeptical but had read enough reviews to encourage me to get it.
I had used my compressor to blow water out of the nooks and crannies but would have to allow for it to recover. Well, I'm glad to say the Sidekick was worth the investment. It moves a lot of water for it size and I can keep moving and drying without loosing air flow. It does warm up but not enough to be a concern.
I also used it after washing the bottom of my boots to facilitate drying. It looks like the Sidekick will be used for more than just autos.
If your looking to dry an entire vehicle you should consider a larger device.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Greatest time saving detailing tool that I've purchased. I mostly use the Blaster Sidekick Blower to blow water out from around and under trim, grills, wheel wells and door jambs. I can't tell you how many times I've been polishing a car that I've dried by hand and had water shake out of a trim piece and get on my pad. Once a pad gets wet it is just about useless. With just this saving alone, the Blaster cuts down on the number of pads I have to wash at the end of a detail. A great complement tool to my Metro Vac-N-Blo.

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