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Meguiar's Wheel & Paint Iron Decon D1801 Reviews

94% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 18 ratings

Professional Detailer Reviews

The Meguiar's Wheel & Paint Iron Decon D1801 is a ready-to-use wheel and paint iron remover. Many wheel cleaners like this state they should be diluted when using them on the paint, or don't recommend it at all. So, a product that can do both safely and effectively is a plus.
Product Review: Meguiar's Wheel & Paint Iron Decon D1801

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
The best iron decon period.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Absolutely love using Iron Decon for wheels and paint!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Seems to work just as good as the higher priced products. Obviously if the wheels or paint are heavily contaminated, a second application is needed, same experience with the higher priced brands I've tried as well. I can almost buy 2 gallons when on sale, for darn near what 1 gallon of others cost.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I've tried different iron removers, and Meguiar's D1801 has been the best and most cost effective one. I use it in a pump-up sprayer, which makes it easier to use.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
works just as good as the more expensive brands. stinks just as bad yourself some money and get like a charm. now if I could just fully contain the stink when storing it, I would be happy.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Quite simply, Meg's Iron Decon works just as good as the other iron decons, for considerably cheaper. It is liquid, not a "gel", but I wouldn't really consider that a con more than a preference.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Wheel and Paint Iron Decon is super impressive. It's like All Wheel Cleaner on steroids - your typical "sulphur" smell instead of the berry-ish smell of AWC and MUCH more fast acting. A light mist of this product over white paint and in a minute you've got bright purple streaks EVERYWHERE. Most other wheel cleaners don't do fallout like this can. And on the topic of wheels, where I've tried several other "color change" products, this one actually cuts through the brake dust super well. Definitely earned a spot in my arsenal.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Seemed to work just as well as other products I've tried for half there cost.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
It is almost instant and with some small agitation, you can rinse off in less time then other products dwell times
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is the second time I've bought this product from you. I first bought it on the recommendation of a fellow detailer in my area and I was hook from spray-one! My clients love the way their wheels turn out and they clean up with absolute ease. It works great on rims, hubcaps and black-steels. I love it!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
As a Professional Detailer this products works as intended just like Ferrex or Iron X just doesn't hurt the pocket book as much. :)
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Much cheaper and works nearly the same as Iron-X...smell and all. I added it to our chemical rack along side of iron-x and nobody could tell the difference. Hard stains still require a 2nd application and agitation but then again they all do.
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Would they buy this item again? No
Have used along side CarPro comparison. Had hoped to save some$$ purchasing Mequiars but our small detail shop thrives on high quality of its back to CarPro!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
We buy this is 5 gal. Works just as well as Iron X but is so much cheaper, and I find it clings better. It does smell bad, but eventually you get used to it. Works great on white paint to remove rail dust and is excellent for wheels with heavy built-up brake dust.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Cheaper than iron x and just as good. Smells as bad too, lol. Meguiars hits another home run!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Fantastic product! Smell is not terrible, nice and clingy to wheels and paint, reacts really fast, works super well with and without agitation. Definitely economical by the gallon.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Giving Meguiar's the nod for another great product, and because of their market share, a great price too! I've not noticed any shortfall in the performance of this compared to other iron (X) removers.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I bit on this because Meguiar's is generally a pretty good brand and fallout/iron remover seems to pretty much be all the same...BUT...the price of a gallon of this stuff is much better than Iron-X. a LOT better. Tried it for the first time yesterday and it worked great. Just like Iron-X. Same smell and everything. The price is just WAY better. I got a gallon for $79 vs $109 for 4L Iron-X thank you very much.

Worked well on early 2000's BMW. I did need to use a lot of it though. I can keep spraying and spraying and spraying and it will pull iron from the baked on, pitted brake dust until you run completely out of remover or just get tired of it. That stuff will never come all the way off but this really gets down in the pits and reduces the little black specks between the wheel spokes. If you've owned an old BMW you know exactly what I am talking about.

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