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Meguiar's So1o All In One Polish Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 1 ratings

Customer Reviews

Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
Recently tried on two single stage painted cars. A black '63 Triumph with heavy tree fallout and light scratches. Using a direct drive Flex polisher and orange Lake Country pads it did amazingly well. Spreads easily. A little seems to go a long way. Wipe off was just as easy. The second vehicle, a white Tacoma that was slightly oxidized since it's last detail about 6 months ago. Again, this product spreads easily and seems to correct fairly well. Only used a Rupes Duetto for the Tacoma, so no heavy horsepower machine. Seems to be a significant upgrade from the tried-and-true Meguiar's D151 Paint Reconditioning Cream.

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