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Meguiar's Glass Cleaner Concentrate D120 Kit Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 6 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is a great value product, cleans well, largely streak free, but does not work as well as Gtechniq G6.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
To me most glass cleaners are all very close, what I really like about this one is the smell and its cost efficiency, the fact that I can make 11gallons of window cleaner from this 1gallon concentrate is definitely a win for me. And after using I would now highly recommend.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
With a quality glass cleaner they all do about the same so for me it's more about using my money wisely. So with the inexpensive price of a gallon and the very good dilution ratios it's a win. Smells like grape. You can usually tell a few days later when I last cleaned my glass because the car still has a faint smell of grape. Good stuff.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I have used many different glass cleaners over the years and as with most Meguire's products it's hard to beat. This is a great product and very cost effective, because you water it down 4 to 1. As a professional detailer, I try and used the best products I can find. I have tried almost every product out there and have recently phased in only using Meguiar's and AMMO NYC, with one exception. I use Hi-Temp wax as a base coat on all my daily driver's. It is the only wax that can handle the intense heat of the South-West.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I used to have a hard time cleaning windows and tried many other products. Finally I ordered this product and paired with a Waffle Weave towel, I get little to no streaks. Scent is great and since it needs to be diluted it will last a long time! It's also a Bonus that it comes with it's own bottle and trigger, so I don't get confused with what bottle I'm using.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
Works very well. Got tired of the wife always taking my glass cleaner for the house so this gallon of concentrate is a welcome addition to my car care products. Plus, I love the scent!

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