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Lake Country Force Pad 5.5" Kit Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 4 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great pads and delivery time was quick .
The lake country kit is a perfect product to add to my Arsenal or yours
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
The Force Pads are the best buy in the market.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Good stuff; paired with the Flex 4 3/8" backing plate the gray heavy cutting pad obliterates defects w/ Megs M101 in only 4 passes and not that much pressure (Flex 3401). Figure the orange and/or white will do well with HD Speed on less abused paint.

Used on a 2008 Ford E250 Service Fleet van with 151K hard miles on. Turned out LSP ready in a 'production' environment; quick and to the point. Worked as well in this instance as Megs D300 w/ their microfiber cutting disc and didn't require the constant blowing out/fluffing of a microfiber pad, saving time.

Kinda liking the Force gray/M101/Flex 3401 combo...was able to really lean into it for deeper defects without any pad deflection. Cleaned up nice as well using PB Tornado Pad Cleaner and then into washing machine with HD Towel Kleen...good as new.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great pads. Hold product well. Keeps cool. Nice results. Cleans up nice.

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