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Kranzle K1622TS Cold Water Electric Pressure Washer Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 4 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Highly Recommend!

Had to upgrade my Honda 2000eu to a higher wattage Honda 3000i. Now it's able to handle the Kranzel. Love it being super quiet and has a sucking ability, so no need to gravity feed.

Quiet reliable machine.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is the best electric pressure washer I've ever used. It's overbuilt and just goes to work. Awesome to have the ability to vary the pressure when needed, like doing door jambs or engine bays. Super impressive machine.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Absolute work horse. Use it all day every day on our high production detail shop. Never had the first issue
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great pressure washer and I've owned them all... this is more powerful then any other electric pressure washer on the market and that's a fact! Plus it's a well built German piece of machinery and the design it great looking, it's blue and not the white one as seen in the photo. The only downside to this machine is that it runs constantly while on other then that it's a A+ in my book. If you want quality products you have to pay the price.

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