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Gyeon Leather Cleaner Natural Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 3 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I recommend the strong formula over the mild, not enough cleaning power. But for wipe down works perfect
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
I love this product! With white vegan leather seats in my Tesla it's either trust a quality product or you're doomed as there is no forgiveness on white. This product is up to the task. I have nothing but things to say. It cleans, doesn't leave a residue, and the seats aren't slippery after use. Two big thumbs up!!
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
Excellent product - as effective as a Leatherique treatment at a fraction of the cost and time involved. So far I've used it on two minivans with a good bit of grime on the front seats. It's much more effective than Meguiar's APC as well; one application with a horsehair brush did as well as three applications of APC. It foams up well with brush agitation, but two wipes with a damp cloth took care of any residue.

Pros: Mild scent, very effective, foams well, wipes off easily
Cons: Wish it came in gallon or 4l

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