Gyeon Bathe+ Reviews
Professional Detailer Reviews
When it comes to maintaining a true paint coating, the choice of car wash soap can make all the difference. Recently, I tried Gyeon Bathe+ as I wanted something to quickly maintain my coated paint and below are my thoughts on this shampoo!
Customer Reviews
Anyone else notice a change in this product? I used to absolutely love this product as it gave insane water beading qualities. I remember this shampoo as being a nice electric blue color. I recently got two bottles and the color has a more green tinge and it does NOT work nearly as good as the old. Not sure if they changed formula but I have noticed a dramatic difference in the beading quality. I have been using this shampoo for years so it's not my technique. Something definitely different and it's too bad as I really loved this product and recommended to dozens of my customers and friends.
I am very impressed with Bathe . Used as directed using the two bucket method and then a second pass at full strength. As already mentioned this is a low suds product. May try it with the pressure washer next time. I used it first on my coated 19' Mustang and then on my wife's new uncoated Volvo. Both cars looked great (well as great as white can get). Then topped it off with the new Gyeon ceramic detailer. Quite the 1,2 punch. Highly recommend!!
Not much bubbly action but reacts very well with the ceramic coat finish. Rinses away very clean and enhances the shine tremendously. Strongly suggested to use this product if your car has been ceramic coated!
First impression is very good. Used on all 3 of my cars that have been coated with Griots 3 in 1 Ceramic. Low amount of suds but very slick feel during application. Gloss and beading seemed to improve too.
Great maintenance wash. Makes paint very hydrophobic. Lasts for months. My favorite si02 wash.
Great product
I follow someone's car build and they recommend this company, so I looked into the products and just trying it once I was blown away. Works amazing the water beads off it's crazy. Definitely buying more when I run out !
Just decided to give Gyeon Bathe a try and it impressed me. It's worth the extra money, very easy to use. Only con I found is the price but you get what u pay for
Gyeon Bathe+ works great for maintaining any type of vehicle! Especially like for ceramic coated vehicles or even vehicles that have had Gyeon Wetcoat applied. Much better than your old school wash n wax! Buy the large bottle because your going to love it! Wish I could buy a 4L container!
Like the above reviewer stated the suds are not extreme, but Gyeon does state that in their product video so I knew what to expect. I used it on a truck that I coated about 7 months ago and it along with WetCoat performed excellently. If you use the flooding technique after you rinse, it makes drying extremely quick and easy!
Giving this a shot with our coated vehicles. Like many say, not much suds-ing action in the bucket but sure is slick as all heck once ya get it on the surface of the car. Flood rinses nicely as well. At about 25ml to a 5 gallon bucket should get about 40 washes outta the 1000ml bottle, around $1 a wash. Pretty good value considering my previous favorite was WG Auto Bathe at about the same $1 per wash and I'm getting the added SiO2 protection with the Bathe+. For our coated cars, about once a month wash with Bathe+, rinse after Gyeon Wetcoat then a quick hit with Gyeon Cure and some protection added in under 45 minutes. Other weeks we use the regular Gyeon Bathe as it suds and works very well and leaves no glossing agents behind.
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