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Gtechniq PW Panel Wipe Reviews

88% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 17 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Works great. Removed the polishing oils and allowed for my Gtechniq Crystal Serum Light to be applied. I did not notice any kind of crazy streaks or difficultly in removing the residue when I did mine. Sprayed onto my microfiber and wiped on.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
It works grate
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is by far the best oil remover I've used. I use it before installing ceramic coatings and/or waxing a car. Will definitely buy more!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Love that stuff. Use it always before I put any sort of wax or sealant. Does not take away any shine and shows you what you missed.
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Would they buy this item again? No
It is too aggressive especially on soft paint work, it was extremely difficult to remove residue that it left behind. Will never use this product again.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Seemed to work great. it left a clean surface and did not lessen the gloss.
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Would they buy this item again? No
I am a huge Gtechniq fan, but this is one of 2 products they make that I can't recommend. I used this when applying Gtechniq CSL+EXOv4 coatings after proper prep work. In its current forum it is very aggressive on paint, and if you are not careful it will leave marks behind that look like vicious scratches. You can take these marks out. If you use this product dilute the panel wipe 50/50 with distilled water. I found better results with this on finiky black paints. There are better products though, which is why I don't recommend Panel Wipe.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is the best polishing oil remover I've used. You can clearly see the difference between this product and even Eraser.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
As a Professional Detailing Shop owner, who applies several Ceramic Coatings a week. This is a must-have in the arsenal of products that I use. It's one of the better final wipe down products I've used before applying the Ceramic Coating!!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great product to remove waxes and prior to applying a coating. This is my go to after IPA wipe. It produces amazing results to clean up any old wax or residue.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I found this product to be highly impressive! I thought it was a bit expense for the amount that you actually get and debated buying it at all. BUT, given the fact that I was applying Gtechniq CSL and EXO, I though it best to follow the manufacture's instructions and wipe the surface down with Panel Wipe prior to the application of their coating(s)...and I am SO GLAD that I did! After polishing the painted surface and wiping it down with a clean, dry microfiber towel, I followed up with a wipe down of IPA & water. I stared to quit there but due to the cost of the coating(s), I wiped it down again....this time with the Panel Wipe. Wow! Even AFTER a wipe down of IPA & water, this product CLEARLY removed residues that the IPA had left behind. It made me a believer! I will ALWAYS use this stuff prior to the application of any protectant from now on. WELL WORTH THE MONEY!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
After washing my car, applying the Gtechniq PW wipe removed any missed spots and removed old products. This made the surface easier for waxing and definitely helped produce better results.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
After washing my car, applying the Gtechniq Panel Wipe removed any missed spots and removed old products. This made the surface easier for waxing and definitely helped produce better results.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This product is great at preparing the surface for a coating application. It is easy to use and I will be purchasing more.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Seems to work as stated, definetly seemed to remove all the polish residue. I'd rather buy this than deal with the ISP and water thing in a spray bottle. Given what I pay for the Gtechniq CSL and EVO I feel more comfortable using something that they designed to work in harmony with their products, def a small price to pay compared to doing it on the cheap and possibly wasting the expensive ceramic coatings.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I know a lot of people feel they can use ISP alcohol & distilled water mix & you can; if using some other product. There is something in the panel wipe that seems to clean better & truly prep the surface for the Gtechniq coatings. So i highly recommend using the panel wipe, even if its not a Gtechniq coating your applying after words. It will remove any fillers, compounds & waxes. An will show you the "TRUE" paint condition after your work.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Anytime I use a coating, I always like to follow the manufacturers recommendation for surface prep. In this case I was applying Gtechniq EXOv2 to my personal daily driver (black Acura) and I was impressed with the results of Gtechniq panel wipe. It was very easy to apply (sprayed onto microfiber towel and gently wiped the surface). I even tested an area by purposely leaving excess polishing oils and not working them completely into the paint and the panel wipe had no problem completely clearing the surface. I would recommend this product for the simple fact that it will ensure that the vehicles surface is properly prepped and ready to accept a coating application.

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