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Gtechniq G5 Water Repellent Coating for Glass Reviews

50% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 6 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Applied this after polishing a 70k mile truck windshield with Ceriglass. It goes on like a thick paste wax and I think the trick is to not let it go on too thick. If the 'smear' still had color, I put a bit more effort in on spreading it until the brownish color dissipated. Let dry for 15 min then buffed off. A large white cotton towel worked best for me vice both open or closed loop MF towels. What absolutely blew me away was the windshield looked like I just polished it even after sitting outside for 2 days in a spot where it normally has pollen and dust on it w/in 4 hours and needs to be cleaned. I was expecting a surfactant effect though where the water would roll off vice bead...and boy oh boy does it bead. Glass feels slicker than greased goose excrement...going to apply this to all the cars in stable now. We'll see how long it lasts.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This will last most people a year. For me in the PNW, with a daily driver that lives outside, it lasts about 8 months. This is such a good value and no harder to apply than a wax.
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Would they buy this item again? No
Easy to apply but not much beading
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Would they buy this item again? No
I agree with the reviewer. Lasted a week or so and then the water beading properties were non-existing.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
For the money, this is the BEST ceramic glass product. It can last 15 cars, and allows you to do all glass for some cars too. Also, my applications have lasted over a year, until they start degrading slightly. I do live in Miami tho, so it rains ALOT.
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Would they buy this item again? No
I tried the G1 and i liked it. Worked well and lasted a long time. Application for this G5 seemed easier so I gave it shot. It works REALLY well for the first week. After that, the water beading/shedding properties are nowhere to be found now :( Pretty disappointed.

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