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Gtechniq EXO v5 and Crystal Serum Light 30 ml Kit Reviews

0% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 1 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? No
As a happy user of v4, I am terribly disappointed with v5. After a chemical and mechanical decon, cut with Sonax Cutmax, polish with Perfect Finish, I had a great surface. As usual, the CSL went on great. Applied the single layer of exo (new to me) and the paint looked fantastic as it has with v4.

However, after the 24 hour cure I drove through fog going into work and now have water spots that have set in on the hood, roof, and top of the rear bumper as well as some other more horizontal surfaces like the top edges of the fenders/doors.

I tried Gtechniq QD and W9 water spot removal with NO success. Going to have to polish this off and I guess I'm done with CSL.

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