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Detailer's Helper Standard Tool Belt Reviews

33% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 3 ratings

Professional Detailer Reviews

I have found over the last few months of using this, it is extremely handy to have what you need within hands length and not have to search around for things while doing work. I would say that Detailer's Helper knocked it out of the park with these belts.
Product Review: Detailer's Helper Tool Belts

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I am not a professional auto detailer. I was looking at various belts to make detailing of our automobiles easier and the Detailer's Helper has filled that desire. Plus, I figured I could use it for other tasks around the house. There are similar products out there that are lower cost. On other sites the Detailer's Helper rated quite well, which is what attracted me to purchase it. I have used the Detailer's Helper just one weekend so I cannot make many comments about its durability. For me the pockets held 32 ounce and 16 ounce containers well. The cell phone pocket is a bit snug for an iPhone Xr in a Otter Box case, but it works.
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Would they buy this item again? No
The idea of the product is great, however the execution is poor. The 32oz pocket fitz 32oz bottles well, but the 16oz is a little snug and difficult to get the bottle in to at times. The belt itself is cheap and the hard side of the velcro is WAY too long which causes it to stick to the bottom of my shirt and pull on the threads of my shirt when I take it off. The material is a fabric that is absorbent and for the price, it should be more sturdy and durable, maybe some sort of ballistic nylon or something. I wont say I completely regret the purchase, but I feel it is not worth nearly what they cost and I don't see it lasting very long.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? No
So this is the Second purchase of ordering this Detailers helper belt. Detailers belts save me time and increase my production. Unfortunately the first Detailers belt I had lasted about 3-4 months before the stitching started to let go on the top of the pockets. My second Helpers belt has the same stitching problem that is very weak or lack of better words not good quality. The actual belt is good quality and pockets but the stitching that holds them together is junk. I will not buy again and not happy with either purchase of this expensive helpers belt. For this Belt I would recommend keeping the bigger pockets/pouches it comes with but the smaller pockets are absolutely useless and can't hold more than a cell phone. When Im polishing I don't need my phone I need Compounds, polishes, towels and pads to get the work done. Am I supposed to talk on the phone while polishing?
My conclusion, Fix the cheap stitching the pouches are held together with and change the smaller pouches to bigger ones. Does not hold up for the Professional I wish I would have bought a completely different belt.

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