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DIY Detail The Drying Blanket Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 3 ratings

Customer Reviews

Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
Love this towel. I ended up buying a total of 3 of them. They are fantastic and the right size (not too big). I am able to use one towel for my full size quad cab gmc truck. I like to use with a detail spray.
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
The towel pretty big and absorbs a good bit of water.
Able to do a truck with a 61/2 bed rung it out once
Towel for its size dry is pretty heavy compared to other towels I owned. When it's wet of course it's even heavier. For me it's hard to rung it out due to it thickness and size. My hand strength isn't as strong.
I really like the towel. Haven't been using my leaf blower to dry the car off. Neighbors might b happy also
Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
Terrific towel. I had an excellent brand name towel but it would not completely dry the car (Tesla model 3 has large, flat glass roof where water pools). This towel will do entire car. Very high quality. Very effective. End of search for drying towel.

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