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DIY Detail Gold Standard Polish Reviews

80% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 5 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
My first time using DIY Detail spray polish had me impressed for how easy product is to use. Long enough work in time and decent cut depending on how hard clear coat is. I would say use on softer paint in my opinion but, DIY waffle pad with DA and extra step of jeweling pad and Rotary leaves a great finish with this spray polish.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I'm on my second bottle and will 100% continue to purchase. It cuts great and goes a long way while also being a wonderful polish. Trim safe and how versatile it is would easily be one of my favorite things about it. Extremely easy to use. Just used on a sprinter and used this to bring of pop back to the plastic trim before coating. Recommend again and again.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I found this polish very easy to use and easy to wipe off. I used it to remove an existing ceramic coating with my paint already in good condition.
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Would they buy this item again? No
Was expecting more. Bought to remove some swirls after paint. GSP with the waffle pad wouldn't remove them from a high solid 2:1 clear. Followed the steps of one spray and a damp pad. Ended up using mezerna 3800 for this application. Will updated after another use.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Terrific system when used with their waffle pad. I never polished a car with a DA polisher but this system worked so well. I also made a DIY Rinseless Wash solution to help wash the pad a few times per panel and then spun out the pad before putting clean polish (1 spray) on the pad. I used maybe 1/4 of the bottle for a Ford Expedition.

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