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CarPro Essence Xtreme Gloss Enhancer Reviews

97% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 30 ratings

Professional Detailer Reviews

Given the excellent performance of Essence as a finishing polish, it seems like an easy decision to use this product if you plan to do a multi-step correction prior to coating as the product will create a gorgeous finish while also prepping the surface for the protective coating.
Product Review: CarPro Essence (Initial Impressions)
Essence has the potential to polish away light to medium defects and leave an outstanding finish to apply a sealant on top of. The combination of Essence + CarPro Reload has been one of our go-to pairings for AIO/light polishing jobs.
Product Review: CarPro Essence + CarPro Reload

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great product. Easy to use and works great on sensitive paint systems prior to applying a coating as well as touching up areas with light scratches and water spots.
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I bought this product to be used on decals to help revive vinyl decals. Some cars have decals that are very faded and dull. I watched a video from Apex Detail, and Brian used this product to bring some life back to the decal. I also like that this product can be used as a primer for a ceramic coating. No need to use a paint prep to coat the vehicle. Carpro Essence saved a lot of time, and it works well. I do recommend this product.
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Excellent at enhancing dark colored vehicles for sure! Can be a little tricky/sticky to remove sometimes but I'm still experimenting with working times.
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Very effective. I would not apply a coating with using this prior.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is my final step together with CarPro Gloss pads after paint correction to mainly enhance the gloss levels and prime the surface for CarPro Ceramic Coating.

When using other brands of Ceramic Coating besides CarPro I always do a wipe down before to remove any polish oils and residue to ensure proper adhesion of the coating. Its easy to use and available in three size for your specific needs.
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Good product as expected with this line. Comes off easy with little MF effort and minimal residue. Worked especially well on an old softer paint.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I've bought this a few times. It truly enhances gloss. Used it to polish matte wheels and it actually turned them semi gloss and deepened the black. I've also used it to remove stains off wheels. Can also use this on engine bay plastics or trim plastics too. I restored abs faded mirror caps on an E30 back to gloss too. It works.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I can sum up my review in three words:

CarPro Essence rocks!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
CarPro Essence rocks! Used with Griot's microfiber pads, it adds gloss and prepares your car's paint for your last step product, whether it be wax, sealant or coatings.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
We have been using all the CarPro compounds, polishes and Coatings on all of our high end details and restorations for about 4 years now with great results. Great products.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Love this polish if you want high gloss this is the stuff. I used it as a last step before ceramic coating and couldn't be happier
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great quality.. Worked well with my flex 3401...
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
LOVE Essence, great all around polish, that can remove a LOT of defects and still finishes down excellent. pair with a MF pad for heavy cutting, or white/black pads for a great finish!! removes easily too
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
LOVE Essence, great all around polish, that can remove a LOT of defects and still finishes down excellent. pair with a MF pad for heavy cutting, or white/black pads for a great finish!! removes easily too
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Excellent gloss level, and easy to apply and remove. Good stuff.
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Would they buy this item again? No
Not sure where I went wrong, used this before a coating and it didn't really help polish out any minor swirls. Not impressed, would have rather done a two step & iso wipe down
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I've been using Essence since it debuted at Sema. There is a slight learning curve, but easy to use once figured out. I mainly use it with my Flex 3401 and pad choice depends on my end goals.

Pro: Essence offers plenty of gloss on even brand new paint. I'm surprised at how much it makes pearl white paint shine. Work small sections and it's easy to work with.

Cons: It is not consistent with all paint systems (I don't think any product is) so sometimes paint needs to be corrected first before refining with Essence. Priced a little too high to offer as an AIO, and takes a little longer to apply than other AIO type products.

Essence is an excellent paint enhancer. I would like to use it on every car that wants an entry level polish, but material cost doesn't work with many of my clients. Great product for a DIY person who owns a couple vehicles.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I just bought some of this. I have a coating of Crystal Syrum Light applied, going on 1.5 years and working great still. I do apply a good sealant approx. every 3 months. I'm not ready for any major correction in polishing, but could use a light polish.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Very good polish, used it with my PC and car pro gloss pad it brings out the shine to another level. If you need more corrections just switch it to a cutting pad. Easy to work with not much dust. 150ml last me 3 cars and still have more than half of the bottle.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Positive results, with no negatives. Clear coat really pops! Polishing is messy. Period. Any polish. You either get dusting; or you get what this stuff does: spots here and there that have to be wiped with ISO/alcohol. (Caking?) But that must be done anyway. I'm a perfectionist (anal retentive) I just have to wipe up these %u2018spots%u2019 before I do the actual alcohol wipe, using ONR. Whichever bugs you more is up to you. I have used Menz 4500, with great results too, to get that %u2018jeweling%u2019 effect. Essence seems to do the same. Extreme shine! I have 2 big bottles of my 4500, so will I use the Essence again? Probably; if it%u2019s closer to my grasp than my Menz. If I didn%u2019t have the 4500, I%u2019d probably be raving like everyone else. I did use black foam pads. Maybe I%u2019ll try wool/other to see if this %u2018caking%u2019 is minimized.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I used Essence as the finishing polish before coating with Crystal Serum Light. Essence was very easy to apply and buff off and it took very little to do my car. Three or four easy passes with a Rupes 15 on 3 with a black LC pad yielded a super reflective shine. I was surprised at how easy Essence was to use. This was magnified by the CSL. Great product!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Excellent product. Love CarPro compounds, sealants, and coatings. Essense works with many different pads, just find the one your level of correction requires. EZ PZ
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is my go to product as a base for both coatings and sealants. Definitely amps up the shine and can actually be used alone as an aio ... very durable, easy to use.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Essence is purely incredible. It's finishing ability blew me away. It took out swirls I just didn't think would be possible with an AIO type product. It's INSANELY easy to work with too. I even tried to abuse it and it came off with ease. Only time I could get it to be sticky is making multiple passes on a MF cutting pad. Even still it came off no worse than other sticky polishes.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
If you want your car details to come out on another level, use this stuff. Works perfect for a ceramic coating primer and adds a ridiculous amount of gloss. Essence, Eraser then boom you're ready to use your coating! I highly recommend this!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is an awesome silica primer polish; the carpro site itself gives a load of info on it too. I like using it as it does not dust, wipes off very easily, can be used in the sun (around 180 degrees surface temp should you be a little careful), good gloss, and lasts up to a year. The only con is that it doesn't repel water so it does need to be topped, but you can use it before coatings or regular sealants. All of the pros make the one little con of this product seem like nothing. You'll love this product like many others do
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Overall it worked well. Used it on a red 2001 Corvette. Clearcoat was extremely hard and the paint was pretty beat up. Pairing this with a Meguiar's microfiber cutting pad and a Rupes 21, I was able to get a decent working time out of it and remove 95% of the scratches, the other 5% would likely require sanding. I found that it works best on a middle speed, took a little longer to remove the defects but the pad didn't mat down the fibers as quickly. Finished off with a CarPro Gloss pad and then topped with cQuartz.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is now one of my go to polish for soft paint finishes, it's easy to work with, no dusting, and the results are stunning.No more m205 for this guy!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I've been using Essence for a couple weeks now. Trying different pad combinations, machine speeds, machines, exc. Overall... WOW this is one amazing product. First off it makes an excellent one step polish. It has great cutting ability that finishes down perfectly. Paired with a meguiars microfiber finishing pad on the Rupes 21 I was able to remove pretty heavy swirling and the end result was lsp ready. Using it as a finishing polish after m105, on the Rupes, with LC HD red pad and LC blue or white polishing pad the levels of gloss are amazing. Topping this with Reload gives a super hydrophobic effect that will last for atleast 6 months. Best part is no Eraser/ IPA wipe down is needed as long as the paint got warm enough for the oils to break down. Rotary user? No problem I paired essence with a lake country 5.5 inch orange polishing pad on my makita 9227c, had an excellent level of cut and looked amazing with no marring or holograms present. Overall I don't believe I have any cons to this product so far, if you are on the fence.. Buy it, try it with different combinations and you will find your new favorite finishing polish. I know I have!!
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Used Essence for the first time today on the mostly original enamel finish of a 1972 Dodge Dart. I used it outside in temperatures of around 60 degrees. Followed the label cautions about wearing eye protection, gloves and a mask. This finish did not need correction as that had been accomplished a few months ago using a rotary polisher and the car had simply been sitting since then because of some mechanical issues. So, Essence was applied by hand. It seemed easy to work with and it is indeed a gloss enhancer. I am quite impressed. The original plan was to follow the application of Essence with a coating but I am now reconsidering that. The car is going into inside storage for the Winter. I may simply leave Essence in place without a coating and see how things look in Spring.

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