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CarPro Clarify Reviews

94% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 17 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
CarPro makes the Best Products for those looking for the pinnacle results on their vehicles. As a long time user and believer, Clarify offers an Excellent Finished Product even if you're not a professional detailer. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Excellent glass clesner. As with any glass cleaner, use high quality towels like from Carpro or autofiber. The glass is highly lubricated and not dragging while wiping. Very clear and streak free.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
One of the best cleaners I've ever used. The smell is addicting! Get you some…you won't be disappointed.
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Would they buy this item again? No
One of the worse glass cleaners I have used in my business in 15 years. Its basically like cleaning the glass with water. I have even noticed about an hour after the cleaner has been used, if you have not done 4-5 additional dry wipes afterwards, the cleaner will leave bad streaks. Would not recommend this glass cleaner to anyone.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
One of the best glass cleaners I've used ! Definitely considering making it my full time choice for my business.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Cleans glass with just one waffle weave towel easily sprayed directly on the towel, wiped and buffed to perfection.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I really like this product. So far it is the best glass cleaner that I've used.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Streak free when used with proper glass microfiber towels. However, the sprayer is leaking way too much, running down the bottle like a river.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
The last decade or so has finally given us decent glass cleaners. I remember when I first got my drivers license and tried taking care of my cars, windows were the one department I struggled to nail down. Most cleaners would streak, most towels left lint behind. I hated it. This glass cleaner would've made life a lot easier back in 2008, combine this with the Carpro glass towel and getting clean streak-free windows is effortless. It is so go that I got a second bottle and towel to keep in the house for windows, glass tops, etc. I even got confirmation from full-time house cleaners that this is the best glass cleaning combo ever.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Although the price is high compared to the amount you get, the performance and ease of use makes up for it. It's very hard for this to streak, leaves a clean, streak-free surface without much work unlike other glass cleaners where you'll sometimes will need to reapply and re-wipe down multiple times.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I've always struggled with streak free windows. This product is the solution to that problem. I love it. I got the recommended glass drying towel as well. Great pair together.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I've always struggled with streak free windows. This product is the solution to that problem. I love it. I got the recommended glass drying towel as well. Great pair together.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
This is now my go to glass cleaner. No streaks and it smells nice.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
At least I think so! I have just started using this and so far I love it! I had been using Stoner for years and was happy. After seeing some reviews I decided to try this even though it is twice the price! Is it twice as good? I'm not sure but it certainly is the best glass cleaner I have ever used. I expect after using this for awhile I will order a gallon and never look back.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
It seems to work the best so far out of many products that I've tried.
Nice smell as well. I used it between steps of applying windshield protection as well as inside the car.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Hands down the best glass cleaner on the market. All I use now.with the carpro glassfiber towels
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
GOOD STUFF! I hate cleaning windows, so I'm always on a quest to find a product to do it with. My previous favorite's been out of stock the 1 place in the US that sell it for like 9 months or longer, so I'm guessing might just be gone :( This + the CarPro GlassFiber towels = w00w00w00! The label says no streaks. Even my window cleaning deficient self managed no streaks. Impressive to say the least.

I know I said I'd buy this item again, well kinda. I'll buy it, but only in the gallon.

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