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Autofiber Wash Monster Plush Car Wash Pad Green & Black Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 1 ratings

Customer Reviews

Reviewed by on
Would they buy this item again? Yes
I bought this mitt to pair with the diy rinse less wash. I'm just an enthusiast and try to wash my ride once a week. I use 1 bucket with a grit guard for the rinse less for a maintenance wash. The mitt feels really nice to the touch and holds plenty of solution in it. I haven't had any issues with marring and seems to glide along the surface nicely. I like the 2 tones to remember what side I was using and flip over when moving on to the next panel. My mitt only came with 1 foam insert and it seems to be enough for me. The 1 insert gives it just enough rigidity and flexibility for my liking. I would definitely buy it again.

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