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Autofiber Roll-o-Rags Microfiber Towels Grey Reviews

100% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 1 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Would they buy this item again? Yes
I am still trying to figure out how these towels will fit into my process. They are better quality than I expected, although I don't believe I would use them on paint. They are terrifically handy for when you need to use something better than a paper towel or shop rag. They tear off just like a paper towel would. I wish that the central tube was a bit wider so that it would fit onto a standing paper towel holder/dispenser. They do seem to wash well (I am about half way through my second roll and am curious how they will hold up to multiple washings). They are certainly worth the price (if you like and use 12x12 towels and if they hold up over time) and the novelty is worth something, although I don't know if it necessary.

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