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Autofiber Dreadnought Blue and Gray Reviews

67% of customers said that they would buy this item again

Based upon 6 ratings

Customer Reviews

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Although the towel does the job it is meant to do (it will dry a small to mid-sized car) I found it to be a bit coarse for soft paints. I have other softer towels that yield equal or better results.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Autofiber towels are the best there are, and by far, my preferred choice. And service from Detailed Image is super fast.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Hands down the best drying towel available now. Beats all the competitors versions I've tried. The XL size will remove 95% of the water from a large truck. One small size used in conjunction with a Master Blaster and your vehicle will be completely dry. It's so much faster using these towels. Even on a hot sunny day I can get the water off a black car before waterspots can form. Drying ability does diminish as they age but if you dry them delicately they continue to work well after months of daily use. Highly recommended.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Great drying towel.

Pros, it can dry a large large car fast

Cons, it may be to large of a towel for small cars.

I also have the smaller version.
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Would they buy this item again? No
Although the towel does do the job it is meant to do (it will dry a small to mid sized SUV) I found it to be a bit coarse for soft paints. I have other smaller and softer towels that yield equal or better results.
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Would they buy this item again? Yes
Oh yeah - get rid of everything but your blowers. this thing holds some serious amounts of H20. the large one will dry 2 full size trucks bone dry. only MF drying towels I use!

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