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Work Stuff Storm Wash Mitt Review: A High Quality Mitt for Effortless Cleaning


Work Stuff Storm Wash Mitt

Work Stuff Storm Wash Mitt Opened

I recently added the Work Stuff Storm Wash Mitt to my car care routine, and it is quickly become a favorite. This mitt stands out due to its super soft microfiber material, which provides excellent protection against scratches while lifting dirt and debris effectively.

The mitts large size (measures 8″ x 10″) covers a lot of surface area, making washing quicker and more efficient. It holds a good amount of water and soap, which helps create a slick surface for a smooth wash. I also love how comfortable it is to use the elastic cuff ensures it stays securely on your hand, even during extended washes.

Another feature of wash mitts that can generally be overlooked is the overall size and length. When dipping wash mitts into a bucket I hate when water fills into the center through the wrist. This can happen with shorter sized mitts and mitts with open cuffs, making larger and elastic cuff mitts my preferred choice. The Storm Mitt hits both of these features, making it an ideal choice in the washing step.

Work Stuff Storm Wash Mitt Closeup

Overall, the Work Stuff Storm Wash Mitt is a high-quality, durable mitt that delivers a gentle yet thorough clean. It is perfect for those who want to pamper their vehicles paintwork while ensuring no detail is missed. Highly recommended for both casual and serious car detailers!

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