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Why Washing & Drying Is So Important


Why Washing & Drying Is So Important

Washing and drying your vehicle is the single most important step to a great detail. A lot of the swirls that we see in the paint of our vehicles are added from the washing and drying steps of the detailing process. The proper tools, products, and techniques will help reduce if not diminish the imperfections added to your paint from the washing and drying process. Below are some great articles and product recommendations to get you started on washing and drying your vehicle like a professional. And remember to always stay away from automatic carwashes!

To check out our Auto Detailing Guide for more washing and drying tips, click here!

Great Washing & Drying Articles

How To Properly Wash and Dry a Car

Beautifully prepared cars project confidence, professionalism, and just makes us feel good when driving (or admiring) them! And the act of car washing can be therapeutic and relaxing as well…Although most car owners have spent countless hours over the years washing their vehicles, chances are it is being done incorrectly and/or with the improper materials which in the long run results in paint that is full of swirls. Not only do they make the paint look bad, but they also reduce the overall value of the car as well.

– Todd Cooperider

Where Do Swirls And Scratches Come From (Video)

How To Properly Wash Your Car (Video)

It is often overlooked that properly washing and drying your vehicle is the single most important step in any detailing process. This is due to the fact that most imperfections (swirls, scratches, water spots, etc.) are added to your paint during the washing and drying phase…

– James Melfi

The Automatic Car Wash: The Hidden Dangers

This machine can be devastating in more ways than one…

– Rodney Tatum

Automatic Car Wash Hidden Dangers

6 Winter Washing Tips

…#2. Don’t Fill your Bucket all the Way Up

– Ian Martinez

Car Cleaning – Car Soap Versus Dish Washing Detergent

What is car soap created for and what is dish wash detergent created for? Comparing car cleaning and dish cleaning; think about what we are trying to clean and even more importantly the surface area that is being washed…

-Rodney Tatum

Waterless and Rinseless Washing: What it is and How to do it Properly

Waterless, or Rinseless, washing is not a relatively new technology however, it is still unfamiliar territory for many. You may ask yourself; What is it? When do I use it? How do I use it? Why should I use it? Let’s clear all of that confusion up and shed some light on the situation…

– Ian Martinez

Recommended Starter Washing & Drying Products

If you are looking to add a foam lance to your wash routine, or are interested in checking out more washing and drying products, click here!

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1 comment on Why Washing & Drying Is So Important

  1. Tom says:

    in Jersey the ‘there’s never enough salt on the road’ I’ve just given up and started running my sweet super clean 2008 Pontiac GrandAm through the car wash to get the salt off the undercarriage.. the finish is a bit whirled if you look close but the dude that does the oil changes says .. “I’ve never seen a cleaner undercarriage” .. Airospace303 and WD40 has nicely preserved the rest.

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