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Who Is Detailed Image?


This is a very short and to the point article.  I’ve always had a good experience both working with (articles, photos, etc) as well as ordering products from Detailed Image.  I’ve done so for the past 6-7 years and have always been happy with everything.  Obviously I’ve done articles to highlight some products, share some of my work and answer members’ questions, but I have never taken a chance to publicly thank DI for their great relationship with me.  We all get busy during our lives whether it’s work, family or personal stuff and it all just gets in the way of appreciating some small (or big) things, such as this.

Until recently, this was the way I carried on my relationship with the guys at DI.  Yes we speak regularly and all, especially with Greg who I know shares this feeling with me, but I regret never publicly acknowledging their personalized quality and professionalism.  So what changed and made me get all mushy :)?  I received a little “care package” with tons of boxes, tape and a tape gun that goes up on the list as one of the nicest things people have done for me, let alone some “people in the business” from many states away…

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Not that this needs much of an explanation, but I have been working for a good part of the last 2 months on closing on my first condo, some of which troubles I shared with Greg over the phone and email.  During this time I was also slow in getting some work done for the guys at DI all while Greg was preparing for his wedding, honeymoon, etc.  This however didn’t stop Greg from not only remembering my struggles with the condo, but also when I told him we’re finally closing on it and will be moving in soon.  As if they perfectly timed it (like every other delivery), I received the package above a day after closing on my condo!  It was a nice surprise as always seeing a box from DI next to the house even if I didn’t remember ordering anything, but it was an even nice surprise once I saw that was inside.

As I said, I don’t want to drag on with this article, just wanted to publicly thank the guys for the package as well as the many years of great service.  This is the reason DI is not simply another online store looking to sell anything and everything.  They truly care about their coworkers, customers and everyone involved.  These guys are always working on answering members’ and customers’ questions and finding the best possible shipping options, not to mention the great deals basically every day.

Thanks again Greg and the entire DI team for the amazing support and care throughout the years and thanks for all members involved here as I believe we have a great little community of like-minded detail enthusiasts!

Ivan Rajic LUSTR Deatil
Ivan Rajic
LUSTR Detail
257 N Woodwork Lane
Palatine IL 60067
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5 comments on Who Is Detailed Image?

  1. Reece, Michael and Greg are absolutely fantastic people to work with. Like other AAP authors, no doubt, I am also a customer of di.com. They’ve taken wonderful care of myself and clients I send their way.

    Thanks for sharing Ivan!

  2. Greg@DI says:

    Thank you very much for the kind words it truly means a lot to me and everyone here @DI. I did come up with the idea but I must mention that our outstanding warehouse team made this happen! FedEx was coming any minute but the warehouse team got everything together super fast and shipped it out the same day. We’re thrilled it was helpful and appreciated to the point you made a great blog post about it. I must also mention that Ivan has been awesome to work with for years and I consider him a friend as well. So there I have completed the love fest! We hope the new place is coming along great and if we can help with anything else don’t hesitate to ask!

  3. Reece @ DI says:

    Thank you for the kind words Ivan and JCC! We greatly appreciate all of the work that you and all the other AAP Authors put in on the AAP Blog. I figure if Greg hopped in on the “love fest”, I might as well hop in too!

  4. John Gallardo says:

    hi guys !!! i recently visited another web site with a question about one of the products they make and i buy.the response was as if it came from somebody that really never used the stuff.every time i have e-mailed you a question you responded in a professional manner.even though they are close to me in s.fla i will always try to patronize you guys when i order….i love your pro blog and have learned a lot from it. thank you john.

  5. Ray Scott says:

    I have a retiree detailing business and since ordering and communicating with DI I have seen my business grow. I detailed 70 cars this year which is a lot for a 70 year old one man show. Reece is fantastic in answering my questions and he had helped me perform professional results on my customers vehicles through his product recommendations and helpful guidance. Some of my customers have told me that I am the best in my small beach town area and that means a lot. Referrals have gotten me a lot of business and that is sometimes the best advertisement since it comes from satisfied customers. Thanks DI for your great products and staff. Happy Holidays to all.

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