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2 comments on Wheel Cleaning & Tire Dressing Q&A Video

  1. Mark says:

    Best compound for 2014 Porsche Carrera with medium swirl marks for a DYI. I just recently bought Rupes Mille

    • Joe Metlow says:

      A test spot is always going to be your best friend.

      Not even a professional detailer can tell you what is going to work best on a specific paint/situation. Test spots will always be your best option.

      It really all depends on your overall goal. Is absolute perfection your goal? Is 70-80% more than enough to satisfy you?

      If perfection is your goal and your a weekend warrior always use a compound even if the paint is soft.

      If you are going to pour 13-19 Hours of paint correction do not attempt to make paint perfect with a mid-grade polish.If spending all that time does not attract you much. the Menzerna 3in1 is a great option. Good cut and will leave wax protection behind.

      Remember not to spend 10 hours + on the one step. If you do go longer than 10 well you are trying to make paint perfect with a mid-grade polish that is not what the product was designed for.

      If perfection is your goal cut with a compound finish with a polish its that simple!

      What compounds do I recommend?

      Griots Garage Fast Correction Cream
      Jescar Correction Compound
      Meguiars D300

      HD Speed
      Menzerna 3in1

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