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What Should I Do to Prepare My Car for the Winter?


One of the most commonly asked questions among the many forums I frequent during this time of year. What should I do to prepare my car for the winter? Well you have a few answers. You also have a few questions that need to be answered. Where do you live? How often are you driving? Someone living in Southern California and someone living in New York will need to prepare differently.

I’m going to give you an example of what I do here in the Northern Virginia area.

First, I will wash the car using Chemical Guys Citrus Wash-N-Gloss to strip any previous protection and oils from the paint. This step is important for later steps as I will want my newest layer of protection to be fully bonded to the paint. After the wash, using DI Fine Grade Clay to remove any bonded contamination from the exterior surfaces for the smoothest surface. Next, I will use Chemical Guys EZ Creme Glaze to further clean the paint and to add a bit of gloss before applying any type of sealant or wax. This product has very minor abrasives and is packed with cleaners thus making this one of the best products available to prep your surface. Lastly, I like to use a sealant opposed to using a wax. The sealant will have the durability that a wax does not offer. My favorite and most used sealants are Blackfire Wet Diamond and Optimum Opti-Seal.  I also use and recommend trying Opti-Seal on your wheels and exterior glass.

The only thing I do different for the winter time on the interior after my vacuum, I will apply 303 Fabric Guard onto the mats and carpets.

Again these are the exact products I use on a daily basis and I strongly recommend them. I have found using this process for a pre-winter detail is the best for me and my area.

Thank you for taking time to read the article.

If you have any additional comments or questions, please submit your reply in the comment box below.

DJ Mayo Reflections Detailing
DJ Mayo
DJ Mayo Studios
Gainesville, VA

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